Vacancies in Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University of law Karachi

A number of Vacancies in Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University of law Karachi have been announced. The advertisement of the same has been published by the Daily Jang dated 3rd November 2019.


Vacancies in Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University of law


S.NoName of PostNo of Post
2Assistant ProfessorBPS-20


S.NoName of PostNo of Post
2Director AdmissionBPS-20
5Director Research (DIRI)BPS-20
6Director ITBPS-20
7Director (Works & Services)BPS-20
8Director A.F.OBPS-20
9Additional RegistrarBPS-19
10Controller of ServicesBPS-19
11Senior Security OfficerBPS-19
12Director Planning & DevelopmentBPS-19
14Controller of ExaminationsBPS-19
15Chief AccountantBPS-19
16Deputy DirectorBPS-19
17Senior ManagerBPS-18/19
19Deputy Controller of ExaminationBPS-18


S.NoName of PostNo of Post
1Deputy RegistrarBPS-18
2Deputy Director FinanceBPS-18
3Manager Physical EducationBPS-18
4Deputy DirectorBPS-18
5Deputy DirectorBPS-18
6Deputy LibrarianBPS-18
7Senior Statistical OfficerBPS-18
8Manager ResearchBPS-18
10Manager Operation SecretaryBPS-18
11Legal OfficerBPS-18
12Manager University  IndustrialBPS-18
13Protocol Officer to VCBPS-18
14Research AssociateBPS-18
15Electrical EngineerBPS-18
16Civil EngineerBPS-18
17Manager Industrial LinkageBPS-18
18Secretary to V.CBPS-18
19Security OfficerBPS-18
20Senior Medical OfficerBPS-18
21In charge Civil worksBPS-17
22Network MangerBPS-17
23Web DeveloperBPS-17


Your applications must reach the concerned authority before closing date i. e 24th November 2019. The willing candidates can read further details at the copy of the advertisement of Vacancies in Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University of law Karachi. These jobs are also the part of the advertisements of the daily Jang dated 03-11-2019 as jobs in Punjab Police Special Branch also published in the same newspaper.

See also  Government College of Technology Sangla Hill Teaching Jobs (VF) 2024


Vacancies in Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University of law Karachi

Vacancies in Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University







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