Facilitation to Special /Physically Handicapped Students in Govt Colleges KPK

Directorate of Higher Education, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has issued a Notification on 21-05-2021 in connection with Facilitation to Special /Physically Handicapped (Disabled) Students in Govt Colleges KPK. The details of the same are as under:

Facilitation to Special /Physically Handicapped Students in Govt Colleges KPK

I am directed to refer to the captioned subject and to convey that despite several letters of this office, complaints are pouring in regarding non-implementation of Chief Minister’s Special Package for physically handicapped students in which refunding of institutional charges on top.

In view of the above, it is once again directed that the below-mentioned points may be implemented with true spirit in compliance with notification No. SO (Collage-II)/2-5-201/1942-44 dated 23rd June 2014.


Main Points to be Implement


  • All Institutional charges i.e. General Fund, tuition fee, Library Charges, Computer Charges, Postgraduate charges (for postgraduate students), 4 year Degree Program charges, Hostel Fund, etc. and utility bills should be refunded to all physically handicapped students immediately(In future Principal concerned may not wait for the student application or this office further direction).
  • Building of special pathways/ ramps, toilets/washroom, arrangements of classes on the ground floor, and other basic facilities should be constructed in the existing college building immediately.
  • Special transport facility should be provided to all physically Handicapped students for their mobility within the premises of the college.
  • Permission of vehicle parking near to their classes in the college/hostel room should be issued to all physically handicapped students.
  • 10 years by default age relaxation should be granted during the admission process.
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Punjab Government has also issued the Notification for special facilities for disabled students in educational institutions in Punjab. In this regard, they issued a Notification on 07-11-20123.


Not only the Government has facilitated the special students but the Government of Punjab has issued special instructions for transgender students. It is a very good step for such kind of students. All Governments should adopt such facilities for the students of this category.


Facilitation to Special Physically Handicapped Students in Govt Colleges KPK

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