Latest Salary Increase News in Budget 2021-2022

I am sharing the Latest Salary Increase News in Budget 2021-2022 of the Government of Pakistan. There is different news for the pay/pension increase for Federal, Punjab, Sindh, KPK, and Balochistan Government employees. These are just news and you read such type of news, every year before Budget. This news is based on various statements by different persons.  The actual position, the Government will clear just on the day of Budget. So just continue to read such type of news and enjoy.  I shall upload more such clips at the same post till the date of announcement of Budget 2021-22.



Latest Salary Increase News in Budget 2021-2022

Budget Speech Copy 2021-2022 Federal


The Latest Salary Increase News in Budget 2021-2022


The Daily Dunya dated 6th June 2021 published news regarding salaries increase in financial budget 2021-22. In this news, there is a proposal for a 10% increase in salary for the employees. There is also proposed to merge 25% Disparity Reduction Allowance into basic pay. This DRA was granted with effect from 1st March 2021. The daily Dunya also published that there is another proposal to enhance the rates of Hiring @ 50%.

The employees who are getting 100% or more special allowances will get only a 10% increase in their pay.  There is a proposal to revise the current Pay Scales.  The Federal Government had Enhancement Rental Ceiling 2017 about 3 years ago. The House Rent Allowance, also the Government raised at the same time.


Salaries Increase News 10th June 2021 Federal Budget 2021-2022


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According to the Daily Jang, I am uploading the Salaries Increase News on 10th June 2021 Federal Budget 2021-2022. There are chances for an increase in salaries @ 10% to 25% for the Government employees. There is also a proposal to enhance the pension at the same rate as salary.


Salaries Increase News 10th June 2021 Federal Budget 2021-2022


Adjustment of Disparity Reduction Allowance 2021 (Updated 10-06-2021)


The Daily Express dated 10-06-2021 related the story of adjustment of 25% Allowance to the employees. According to this newspaper, the Disparity Reduction Allowance 2021, the Govt will adjust as Adhoc Allowance as well as Merge into Basic Pay. There are two proposals as under:


  • Merging 10% into Basic Pay and 15% as Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021
  • Merging of 15% into Basic Pay and 10% as Adhoc Relief Allowance


Adjustment of Disparity Reduction Allowance 2021



Updates of Salaries Enhancement as of 5th June 2021


On. 6th June 2021 two Daily newspapers published the salary increase news. The Daily Aaj Peshawar published that The Federal Government Budget, the Cabinet will announce on 11th June 2021 and there are chances to increase salaries 10% to 15%.  Further, the Govt can give relaxation income tax on Medical Allowance.


Updates of Salaries Enhancement as on 5th June 2021


The Daily Express also shared nearly the same story and expressed that Government may increase pay and pension up to 15%. This means that there are chances that Government will increase only 10% to 15% Govt employees’ salaries.


Budget 2021 5-6-21 updates

What Says Federal Information Minister About Budget 2021 and Salary?


Federal Education Minister, Mr. Fawad Ch also stated that Government will give a big relief to the Government employees in the coming Budget. He said that there is an increase in the dearness but the power of purchase of the people also increased.  Let’s see they fulfill their promise or just make the employees happy before the budget.

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A few days ago, a Daily newspaper published a piece of news that there is a proposal to merge 2 Adhoc relief allowances 2018 and 20219. The same proposal put forth by the sub-committee of the Pay and Pension Committee on 30th May 2021. The final decision is to make by the Pay and Pension Committee.


If Pay Scale Revise Then what About DRA 2021?


There is a question, that if Government revised the Pay Scales by merging DAR 2021 into Basic Pay. Then it means all employees who are also getting the 100% or more special allowances will get the benefit of it. This will create another discrimination.  I think if the Government does as per its promise then Government will merge 25% DRA into Basic Pay Scales. The Government will also merge 25% of the 100% or more allowances to create inequality. An example of the same is Revised Pay Scales 2016 Sindh. In this Notification, Sindh Government included 7.5% out of 10% Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015. Thus the Sindh Government also revised the Pay Scales 20216. In the same way, it took 10% out of 15% of the Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013. The remaining 2.5% and 5%, the Sindh government employees are still getting.



Latest Pay Increase News in 2021 Budget




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2 thoughts on “Latest Salary Increase News in Budget 2021-2022

  1. 10 percent increase in pension notification not yet issued.when this notification will be dated.7.7.21 notification not issued


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