Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 Sindh

Government of the Sindh, Finance Department has issued Notification NO. FD(SR-I)I(32)2011-2015 dated 22-07-2015 in connection with Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 Sindh.

10% out of 15% of the Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 and 7.5% out of 10% of the Adhoc Relief Allowance 2015 have been merged into basic pay. In the same way 10% 2014 have also been added into basic pay. Other details can be read on the copy of the Notification. Special thanks to the following employees:

  • Mr. Hansraj Raj
  • Mr. Asif Raza
  • Mr. Ashfaq Hussain
  • Mr. Ghulam Hussain Abbasi
  • Mr. Kamran Ali
  • Mr. Attiq ur Rehman Kamkhani
  • Mr. Muhammad Bukhsh


Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 Sindh



You can download the same Notification in PDF Format below:



See also  Notification Regarding Medical Treatment Facilities for Retired Govt Servants

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18 thoughts on “Notification of Revised Pay Scales 2016 Sindh

  1. Assalam alaikum
    Madam I need the notification of Addl charge allowance on equivalent chagr or identical post, I will be very grateful.

    Ghulam Yaseen

  2. Assalam alaikum
    Sir I am serving as Assistant in District Jamshoro with addl charge of same grade and post, sir I need adl change allowance notification.

    Kindly send me copy of such notification, I will be very grateful.


    Ghulam Yaseen

  3. Very bad position in union councils karachi sindh local govt from past five year.sir jitna zulim uc mulazimon say horaha shahid kahe aur hota ho.meri wazeer aala sindh say guzarish hai in gareeb mulazimon k mustqbil in k salariyan direct ag sindh fanance say hogi ya pher humesha k tarah agay chal k b ye bebas hongy siyasi asar usooq walon k hathon in ka istasaal hota rahega.bechary uc mulazim un bewahon say b gai guzray un ko 3 month baad benazeer inqam saport program k teht 3000 milty hain our uc walon ko 1 saal 15 hazar milty hain ye hai humari sindh sujaag.

  4. Syed Muhammad Ali · Edit

    Federal govt ma Assistant/ Head Clk BPS-14 to 16 ma hoa h ya nahi jabky Punjab, KPK, Balochistan or Sindh ma to ho gia h, please confirm, Jaza kallah


    VERY BEST OF SINDH GOVERNMENT FOR REVISED PAY SCALE & ADHOC ALLOWANCES 1.Adhoc Allow: 2013 BPS-01 to BPS-15 = 5% Continue 2.Adhoc Allow: 2015 BPS-01 to BPS-22 = 2.5% Continue 3.Adhoc Allow: 2016 BPS-01 to BPS-22=10% Running Basic Pay

  6. Dear Madam,

    Kindly guide that other officials who are working in BPS 14 or BPS 15 can claim for up-gradation for 16 grade as Assistant BPS-14 and Assistant Superintendents / Assistant Incharges are upgraded to BPS-16 .

    Kindly share your guidelines so we can proceed further

  7. Dear Madam

    Kindly share a excel sheet for new salary as per revised pay scales of sindh govt. so we can know the actual increase…



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