Clarification Appointment under Rule 17-A category B

Accountant General Punjab has issued a letter on 11-10-2021 in connection with Clarification Appointment under Rule 17-A category B on the basis of invalidation. The details are as under:


Clarification Appointment under Rule 17-A category B Invalidation


Kindly refer to the subject noted above.

  1. It is informed that a judgment has been passed by Hon’ble Justice Shah Gull in Writ Petition No.6054/2021 in Lahore High Court Bahawalpur Bench, Bahawalpur, according to which the instructions issued by the S&GAS vide letter No. SOR-III(S&GAD)C-1/2018 dated 06.05.2021 has been stuck down. Moreover filing of ICA by the D.G. Fisheries. The orders were suspended for the time being but, later on, the ICA was rejected finally.
  2. Now a letter has been issued to the district Accounts office, Muzaffargarh vides No. SOR-III(S&GAD)3-7/2021 dated 22.09.2021. according to which the interactions issued by the S&GAD dated 05.05.2021 are now, no more in the field. It means that now the children of the employees declared medically invalid in Category II can be appointed by the departments of the Government of Punjab.

In view of these facts, the position explained in para-3 above may kindly be confirmed or otherwise.


As soon as the confirmation/clarification of the same receive, I shall upload the same here for the info of the employees.



Special Thanks: Muhammad Hamza kamal


Clarification Appointment under Rule 17-A category B



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