Notification Grant of Qualification Allowance M.Phil @ 5000/- and Ph.D @ 10000/-

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department South Punjab Secretariat issued a Notification on 22-12-2022 in connection with the Grant of Qualification Allowance M.Phil @ 5000/- and Ph.D @ 10000/-.According to the Notification 57 employees got MPhil and Ph.D. Allowance. The details are as under:

Grant of Qualification Allowance M.Phil @ 5000/- and Ph.D @ 10000/-

 No. SO(SE)8-3/2022: In exercise of the power delegated vide No. SO(Cab-I)2-4/2020(S.P) dated 14.09.2021, Services and General Administration Department (I& Wing), Government of the Punjab and School Education Department,  Government of the Punjab vide No EDU(E&A)DCP/2014 dated 21.02.2021, on the recommendation of Director Public Instructions (SE( South Punjab,  Multan Vide No.2282/GB dated 22.04.2022 sanction is hereby granted for Qualification Allowance M.Phil @Rs.5000/- and Ph.D. @10,000/- per month (Only one M.Phil or Ph.D. Allowance will be admissible) in respect of the following Officers/teachers w.e.f. the date mentioned against their names in the light of Government of the Punjab, Finance Department, Notification No. FD.SR-I/9-21/2016, dated 22.08.2019 and dated 30-03-2020 subject to the following conditions-


Conditions for MPhil & PhD Allowance


  1. This Qualification Allowance will not be admissible to those who have already drawn by the Incumbents, on acquiring the degree of M.Phil or Ph.D.
  2. Only one M.Phil or Ph.D. Allowance wiĺ be admissible.
  3. The Qualification Allowance/Special Allowance for M.Phil already drawn by the Incumbents @ Rs. 1200/- Per Month w.e.f 01.09.2007 in terms of Notification No. SO(SE-III)2-15/2007, dated 24.09.2007, or in terms of any other notification would be discontinued.


Notification Grant of Qualification Allowance M.Phil @ 5000/- and Ph.D @ 10000/-



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