Increase in Remuneration Rates 2023 PPSC

The Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued a Notification on 27-12-2022 in connection with the Increase in Remuneration Rates 2023 PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission). The details are as under:

Increase in Remuneration Rates 2023 PPSC

In continuation of the Finance Department’s letter No.SO(G-I) 6-1/2014(PPSC) dated 02.01.2015 (copy enclosed), the Governor of Punjab is pleased to revise the remuneration rates of the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) as per the following detail:-


Table of Approved New Rates of Punjab Public Service Commission Exam Duties


Sr.No. Description Existing Rates Remuneration (Rs.) Revised Remuneration Rates (Rs.)
1. Paper Setter Examiner 6000/- per paper 25,000/- per paper
2. Paper Verifier 10,000/- per paper
3. Marking Scripts 75/- per paper 500/- per paper
4. Advisor/DRs 2000/- per paper 3500/- per paper
5. Transport Charges 150/- per paper 1000/- per paper
6. MCQ Paper setter 20,000/- per paper 25,000/- per paper
7. Supervisors 1500/- per paper 3000/- per paper
8. DR/Deputy Supervisor 1200/- per paper 2500/- per paper
9. Invigilator 800/- per paper 2000/- per paper
10. Water Carrier 500/- per paper 1200/- per paper
11. Advisors invited from Outstation for Psychological Assessment —- 10,000/- per paper (including TA/ DA and remuneration) in case of the same Division and Rs.15,000/- in case of another Division.

  1. The Terms and Conditions for the grant of revised remuneration rates as applicable at present will remain the same.


Before this Finance Department Punjab issued a Notification of recommendations for enhancement remuneration rates PPSC duties on 1st June 2022.

See also  Finance Department KP Disparity Reduction Allowance Summary

Increase in Remuneration Rates 2023 PPSC

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