Salary and Pension in Advance March 2023 Punjab Govt Employees

The Government of Punjab, Finance Department issued a Notification on 09-03-2023 in connection with Pay and Allowance March 2023 (Salary and Pension) in Advance March 2023 Punjab Govt Employees.  The employees and pensioners will get pay and allowances on 31-03-2023. The details are as under:                         

Disbursement of Pay and Allowance March 2023 in Advance


                   The finance department monitoring the Government of Punjab monitoring Wing has approved the Disbursement of Pay and Allowances and Pension of 09th March 2023.


               The Finance department monitoring the Government of Punjab monitoring Wing has approved the  Pay and Allowances and Pension for Government Employees /pensioners of the Government of Punjab for the month of March 2023. In the wake of 01st and 02nd April, being the gazetted holidays that is Saturday and Sunday these Allowances and Pension and Pay will be disbursed on 31st March 2023 on Friday as provided in Note -1 below Rule 5.1 (1)(e) Punjab financial rule vol-1.


Approval of  Salary and Pension March 2023 Before Due Date


Secretary Government of Punjab Finance Department monitoring Wing has approved the Disbursement of Pay and Allowances and Pension of 09th March 2023 due to weekend holidays of banks,(Saturday and Sunday). Banks will issue these Allowances and Pension and Pay on 31st march 2023 (Friday).

See also  Notification of One Advance Increment to Judicial Staff


Copies regarding the Approval of  Pay and Allowances and Pension of March 2023 has sent to

  1. The director accounts state bank of Pakistan, Karachi.
  2. Chief managers state bank of Pakistan, Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Bahawalpur,, Multan, Rawalpindi.
  3. The presidents of the National bank of Pakistan, Habib bank limited, United bank limited Muslim commercial bank limited, Bank of Punjab Lahore,
  4. The bank of Punjab Lahore-B, Muslim town, Lahore, Multan, Jehlum, Faisalabad, Gujrat, Gujranwala Sargodha, Rawalpindi, and Country Head, The bank of Punjab, public sector deposit departments First-floor civil secretariat branch Lahore.
  5. The Director General Public Relations Punjab, Lahore for wide Publication in print media.
  6. System Analyst Government of Punjab, Finance department for the posting of notification on the web page of the finance department.



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Salary and Pension in Advance March 2023 Punjab Govt Employees


Benefits to Employees


Although there is not much before the date of disbursement of pay and pension, however, the employees will get their salary just one day before their actual date of payment. They will have a minor benefit of just one day. There may be this beneficial to some employees whose salary and pension they have exhausted in the first few days of the month.



There is another important Notification of Grant of Teaching Allowance and Science Allowance with new updates for the employees especially for the teachers. They will have this new allowance with amendments with effect from 1st March 2023.


See also  Final Revised Pay Scales 2016 Chart

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