Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee 2021-22 Pay Scale Wise



 I have prepared a chart of Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee 2021-22 Pay Scale Wise. Through this chart of pay and allowance for the newly appointed employee in the year 2021-2022, you can see the details of all the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-18. Although this chart will not cover all the employees of all the departments, however, the employees who are not getting any special allowance equal to 100% or more will get benefits from it.


Chart of Estimated Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee 2021-22



I had also prepared the estimated salary chart of fresh appointed employees 2020-21 BPS Wise. Now as the salaries of the employees have been revised during the budget 2021-22. I have prepared the charts of salaries for all provinces and federal employees. This chart covers all the employees of all the provinces of Pakistan as well as Federal Government employees. The newly appointed employee in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Gilgit Baltistan (GB) as well as in Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) can check his/her salary. I have prepared separately for each province and Federal employee.  Before going to the charts let’s see which common pay and allowances the employees of all provinces and federal government employees are getting. The details of pay and allowances are as under:


Common Pay and Allowances for All Employees



As I earlier mentioned that this chart is usually for the employees who are not getting special allowances except the recently announced disparity reduction allowance 2021 and special allowances. So the details of common pay and allowances that afresh appointed employee will get are as under:


  • Basic Pay
  • Medical Allowance
  • House Rent Allowance / Hiring
  • Conveyance Allowance
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2016 (Frozen)  
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance (ARA-2017) 2017
  • ARA- 20218 – Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2019
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021
  • Disparity Reduction Allowance /Special Allowance

What is House Rent Allowance and Hiring?



The employees get at some stations hiring and at some cities, they get hiring of residential accommodation. There are 6 cities where Federal employees get hiring, these cities are as under:

  • Lahore
  • Quetta
  • Karachi
  • Peshawar
  • Rawalpindi
  • Islamabad



If any employee in these cities does not get Hiring, he gets House Rent Allowance.  House Rent Allowance Rates are also different in various cities. House Rent is categorized as Special Cities and Common Cities. Here Special Cities mean Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, Gujranwala, Sargodha, Hyderabad, Bahawalpur, etc. In Special cities, the employee gets 45% HRA of the initial of the Revised Pay Scales 2008 Plus 50%. While in other cities the employee gets 30% Plus 50% of the initial of the revised pay scales 2008. The rates of hiring are different for Islamabad and the other five cities.  The rates of Hiring are pay scale-wise. Finance Division has already issued the Notification of Enhanced Rental Ceiling 2018. You can check the rates of hiring there. 

See also  Increase in Conveyance Allowance for the Govt Employees Since 1987




The table of House Rent Allowance and Hiring is as under:


Table of House Rent Allowance Federal and Provinces Except KPK 


BPS 30% HRA 45% HRA
BPS-01 1337 2006
BPS-02 1367 2051
BPS-03 1413 2120
BPS-04 1458 2187
BPS-05 1503 2255
BPS-06 1544 2316
BPS-07 1589 2384
BPS-08 1650 2475
BPS-09 1719 2579
BPS-10 1781 2672
BPS-11 1853 2780
BPS-12 1961 2942
BPS-13 2091 3137
BPS-14 2214 3321
BPS-15 2349 3524
BPS-16 2727 4091
BPS-17 4433 6650
BPS-18 5810 8715

Some Other Allowance that a Newly Appointed Employee Can Get



There is some other allowance too that the newly appointed employee can get, these are as under:


  • Teaching Allowance for teachers 
  • Qualification Allowance (M.Phil, Ph.D. Allowance)
  • Computer Allowance
  • Integrated Allowance
  • Washing Allowance
  • Dusting Allowance
  • Dress Allowance/Uniform Allowance
  • Charge Allowance
  • Hard Area Allowance
  • Health Risk Allowance for Health Department Employees



In addition to the above, different departments are also granting some other allowance too. These allowances depend on which department your appointment is made. It is not a surety that if a department is granting any special allowance, the other department will also grant it. Every department may have some of its own special allowances. But the main pay and allowance that I mentioned in common pay and allowance are nearly the same.  Now let’s move to the chart of the salary of a newly appointed employee in provinces and federal during the year 2021-2022.


Salary Chart PayScale Wise Federal and Punjab



The Federal Government employees and Punjab Government employees on their initial appointment will get nearly the same pay and allowance for general posts.  However, there may be a special allowance for special designations and departments. Punjab Employees will get Special Allowance 2021 on the initial basic pay of the revised pay scales 2017. Federal Government employees will get a Disparity Reduction Allowance that is also 25% but on the running basic pay. However, it is the same for the newly appointed employees in Federal and Punjab.  The class IV employees of Punjab will get Rs. 450/- as an integrated allowance while the Federal Class IV employees will get Rs. 900/- as integrated allowance.  The total estimated salary excluding any specific allowance for the fresh appointed employee PayScale Wise is as under:



Pay Scale Gross Salary
BPS-01 Salary 21120
BPS-02 Salary 21475
BPS-03 Salary 22066
BPS-04 Salary 22635
BPS-05 Salary 23475
BPS-06 Salary 24161
BPS-07 Salary 24872
BPS-08 Salary 25637
BPS-09 Salary 26418
BPS-10 Salary 27184
BPS-11 Salary 28926
BPS-12 Salary 30388
BPS-13 Salary 32213
BPS-14 Salary 33996
BPS-15 Salary 35829
BPS-16 Salary 43381
BPS-17 Salary 64634
BPS-18 Salary 80685
 Table of Pay and Allowances Punjab Province/Federal


Note: Federal Government has granted Disparity reduction Allowance 2022 @ 15% on running basic pay. This allowance is only for the employees of FG who are not getting any special allowance equal to or more than 100%. We’ll add 15% more of the basic pay in the below chart. 


BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA ARA-2016 (10%) ARA-2017 (10%) ARA-2018 (10%) ARA-2019 (10%/5%) ARA-2021 @ 10% Special Allowance/DRA Total 
BPS-01 9130 2006 1785 1500 764 913 0913 913 913 2283 21120
BPS-02 9310 2049 1785 1500 779 931 0931 931 931 2328 21475
BPS-03 9610 2120 1785 1500 804 961 0961 961 961 2403 22066
BPS-04 9900 2187 1785 1500 828 990 0990 990 990 2475 22635
BPS-05 10260 2255 1932 1500 859 1026 01026 1026 1026 2565 23475
BPS-06 10620 2316 1932 1500 890 1062 01062 1062 1062 2655 24161
BPS-07 10990 2384 1932 1500 922 1099 01099 1099 1099 2748 24872
BPS-08 11380 2474 1932 1500 954 1138 01138 1138 1138 2845 25637
BPS-09 11770 2579 1932 1500 986 1177 01177 1177 1177 2943 26418
BPS-10 12160 2670 1932 1500 1018 1216 01216 1216 1216 3040 27184
BPS-11 12570 2778 2856 1500 1051 1257 01257 1257 1257 3143 28926
BPS-12 13320 2940 2856 1500 1114 1332 01332 1332 1332 3330 30388
BPS-13 14260 3135 2856 1500 1193 1426 01426 1426 1426 3565 32213
BPS-14 15180 3321 2856 1500 1272 1518 01518 1518 1518 3795 33996
BPS-15 16120 3524 2856 1500 1351 1612 01612 1612 1612 4030 35829
BPS-16 18910 4091 5000 1500 1588 1891 01891 1891 1891 4728 43381
BPS-17 30370 6650 5000 1848 2544 3037 3037 1519 3037 7593 64634
BPS-18 38350 8715 5000 2421 3189 3835 3835 1918 3835 9588 80685
Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee 2021-22 Pay Scale Wise

Salary Chart For Each Employee Sindh


See also  Notification of Grant Honorarium Three Months Basic Pay


The Sindh Government employees will also get other allowances depending on their post and department. Recently the Sindh Government Finance Department issued the Notification of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021 and Personal Allowance. Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee 2021-22

Sindh also depends on many factors.

This personal allowance is for the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-05. The rates of personal allowance 2021 Sindh Government are as under:




Sr. No Pay Scale Amount (Rs.)
1 BPS-01 Rs. 1900/- per month
2 BPS-02 Rs. 1500/- per month
3 BPS-03 Rs. 900/- per month
4 BPS-04 & BPS-05 Rs. 250/- per month







The employees of the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will also get the following allowances depending on their department/job description:

  • Monthly Stipend for Nursing Internees @ 31000/- per month
  • Monthly Stipend for House Officers Rs. 64358/- for category-A Hospitals and Rs. 75600/- for Category-B hospitals
  • Lady Health Workers Allowance @ 2200/- per month
  • Lady Health Supervisors Allowance @ 3000/- per month
  • Teaching Allowance @ 20% of the Initial Basic Pay of the Revised Pay Scales 2017 to all teachers
  • Special Allowance to civil employees of BPS-06 to BPS-16 @ 3500/- per month (Note: Only particular employees who are not getting technical Allowance, Integrated Allowance, Teaching Allowance, Risk Allowance, Health Professional Allowance will get this special allowance
  • Risk Allowance to the police uniform personnel @ 20% of the initial basic pay of 2017 pay scales
  • Integrated Allowance @ 600/- per month (BPS-01 to BPS-06 All employees)
  • Washing Allowance @ 1000/- per month (BPS-01 to BPS-06 All employees)
  • Dress Allowance @ 1000/- per month (BPS-01 to BPS-06 All employees)
  • Health Professional Allowance @ 15000/- per month
  • Technical Allowance for Engineers ranging from Rs. 45550/- per month to 103635/- per month for the employee of BPS-17 to BPS-20
  • IT Professional Allowance @ one Initial Basic Pay of the Pay Scales 2017




Chart of House Rent Allowance KP Province Employees


BPS Peshawar Rest of KPK
BPS-01 2,697 2,005
BPS-02 2,719 2,049
BPS-03 3,542 2,120
BPS-04 3,576 2,187
BPS-05 3,310 2,255
BPS-06 3,640 2,315
BPS-07 4,968 2,383
BPS-08 5,013 2,474
BPS-09 5,066 2,579
BPS-10 5,111 2,670
BPS-11 6,909 2,778
BPS-12 6,990 2,940
BPS-13 7,088 3,135
BPS-14 8,640 3,321
BPS-15 8,741 3,524
BPS-16 9,024 4,091
BPS-17 12,557 6,649
BPS-18 13,590 8,714
BPS-19 18,684 13,284
BPS-20 23,074 15,758
BPS-21 27,024 17,469
BPS-22 32,292 18,684


Balochistan Employees Salary on Initial Appointment




I have not yet received the Notification of ARA 2021 and other benefits for the Balochistan Government employees. As soon as I get the same, I shall update the Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee 2021-22 for Balochistan employees. However, for the general calculation of pay for the newly appointed employees in Balochistan, anyone can use the chart of the Federal Government except the DRA-2021.


Deductions from Salary



The above-mentioned salary is gross salary. However, the employee gets a net salary every month after some deductions. The deductions are as under:




  • Benevolent Fund (BF)
  • General Provident Fund (GP Fund)
  • Income Tax
  • Group Insurance for BPS-16 and above employees












The rates of deduction of Group Insurance and Benevolent Fund may be different for the employees of the provinces and Federal. However, the rates of income tax depending on the slabs issued by FBR. The employee getting Rs. 600,000/- or less annual salary will not have to deduct any income tax.


Rates of Deduction of Group Insurance Federal



The rates of deduction of Group Insurance for federal government employees are as under:


Sr No Basic Pay  Deduction of Group Insurance
1 Up to 5,000 381
2 5,001 to 10,000 436
3 10,001 to 15,000 490
4 15,001 to 20,000 545
5 20,001 to25,000 600
6 25,001 to 30,000 654
7 30,001 to 35,000 709
8 35,001 to 40,000 763
9 40,001 to 45,000 818
10 45,001 to 50,000 872
11 50,001 to 55,000 926
12 55,001 to 60,000 981
13 60,001 to 65,000 1,036
14 65,001 & above 1,090
Rate of Deduction of Benevolent Fund Federal Employees



The rats of the monthly deduction of BF for the Federal Government employees are as under:


Sr. No. Basic Pay  Monthly Deduction of BF
1 Upto 5,000 120
2 5,001 to 5,500 126
3 5,501 to 6,000 138
4 6,001 to 6,500 150
5 6,501 to 7,000 162
6 7,001 to 7,500 174
7 7,501 to 8,000 186
8 8,001 to 8,500 198
9 8,501 to 9,000 210
10 9,001 to 9,500 222
11 9,501 to 11,000 246
12 11,001 to 13,000 288
13 13,001 to 15,000 336
14 15,001 to 17,000 384
15 17,001 to 19,000  432
16 19,001 to 21,000  480
17 21,001 to 23,000  528
18 23,001 to 25,000  576
19 25,001 to 27,000  624
20 27,001 to 29,000  672
21 29,001 to 31,000  720
22 31,001 to 33,000  768
23 33,001 to 35,000  816
24 35,00 1 to 37,000  864
25 37,001 to 39,000  912
26 39,001 and above  960
GP Fund Monthly Deduction Rates



Rates of the monthly subscription of the General Provident Fund (GP Fund) for the employees, and the Government have already been announced. These rates of deduction of the GP Fund are as per the basic pay scale of the employees. The rates are different for each pay scale employee from BPS-01 to BPS-22.


Turn of the employees:



If the employees think that there is a need to have some amendment or addition to the above charts, can send me feedback or email me the details on the Salary of Fresh Appointed Employee 2021-22

So that I may update the post for the guidance of the newly appointed employees all over Pakistan.

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