Notification of Upgradation of the Post of Storekeeper BPS-11 to BPS-14 as Senior Storekeeper

Government of the Punjab, Labour & Human Resource Department, Directorate of Education, Punjab Workers Welfare Fund issued a Notification on 24-03-2023 in connection with the Upgradation of the Post of Storekeeper BPS-11 to BPS-14 as Senior Storekeeper. The Department not only upgraded the post but also it re-designated the post of storekeeper to the senior storekeeper.


Tabular Form Upgradation of the Post of Storekeeper BPS-11 to BPS-14


You can see the details of the upgradation/redesignation of the posts of storekeepers in a tabular form. You will also see their existing basic pay scales and upgraded pay scales.


Sr. No Name of Post Re-designation Existing BPS Revised/Upgraded BPS
1 Storekeeper Senior Storekeeper BPS-11 BPS-14


Up-gradation of Storekeepers to Senior Storekeepers


The government of Punjab in its meeting on 13-03-2022 upgraded the employees. The governing body decides to Upgrade 18 posts of Storekeepers to higher grades. Moreover,  the government directs to amendment the rules of Promotion for them.


Re-designation as Senior Storekeeper (BS-14)


There is good news for the employees of Welfare Higher Secondary Schools all over Punjab.  The government of Punjab promotes 18 existing posts of Storekeeper (BS-11) to Senior Storekeeper(BS-14).

As per the notification, 18 Storekeepers who are working in Welfare Higher Secondary schools shall get up-gradation.  Up-gradation falls under the policy of up-gradation of these employees.  Further, the government of Punjab looks to amend the rules for the provision of a separate Promotion channel for Senior storekeepers instead of Senior Clerks.

See also  Notification Revised Pay Scale 2017 Sindh Government


                         Pursuant to the decision of the Governing Body of Punjab Workers Welfare Fund, Lahore taken in its 10th meeting held on 13.03.2022 (18) existing posts of Storekeepers (BS-11) in the existing Workers Welfare Higher Secondary Schools are hereby Up-graded as Senior Storekeeper (BS-14) as per the policy of Punjab Government with a direction to get the rules amended to provide a separate promotion channel to Storekeeper as Senior Store Keeper instead of Senior Clerk.


Special Thanks: Ch Jawad Raza. Senior Store Keeper (BPS 14)


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Notification of Upgradation of the Post of Storekeeper BPS-11 to BPS-14 as Senior Storekeeper

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