Notification Payment Marriage Grant, Farewell Grant, Education Stipend etc Through DCS

Government of Pakistan, Establishment Division Federal Employees Benevolent and Group Insurance Funds issued a Notification on 15-03-2024 in connection with Payment Marriage Grant, Farewell Grant, Education Stipend, etc Through DCS. Now the said Welfare Schemes cases payment including Education Stipend, the Department will pay through the Direct Credit System. The details are as follows:

Payment of Marriage Grant, Farewell Grant, Education Stipend, etc Through DCS


Subject: Payment of welfare Schemes I.e. Marriage Grant Farwell Grant, Education Stipend, and Fee Reimbursement through direct Credit System (DOCS)

In continuation of officer order no 01(02) DCS/2023 Dated 01-03-2024, they have decided that payment on account of the Marriage Grant, Farewell Grant, Education Stipend, and Fee Reimbursement will be started through the Direct Credit System (DCS w.e.f 01-04-2024. For online payment through DCS, the following additional information the employee must share to get the benefits.


  • Copy of cheque leaf
  • 24 digits IBAN (Active Account Account)


IBAN means International Bank Account Number. This Account consists of 24 digits/letters etc.


  1. It is requested the above information along with the welfare claims be provided to process the cases.
  2. This issue with the approval of the Managing Director, FEB & Gif.


Benefits of Direct Credit System (DCC)


This action will facilitate the employees. They will no longer get the payment in a cross-cheque shape. The procedure through cross-cheque payment is not good. Most of the employees had complaints that they did not receive the cheque although the department has dispatched the same. Now as per the new DCS method, the department will credit the amount directly in the employee’s bank account.

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This is the period of technology, the Accounts Offices and other accounts-related offices may facilitate the employees through this DCS. I hope soon all Governments will minimize the paper work and will adopt digital technology.



Notification Payment Marriage Grant, Farewell Grant, Education Stipend etc Through DCS

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