Contract for Group Insurance Premium for BPS-01 to BPS-22 Employees UET Lahore

The University of Engineering and Technology Lahore has invited quotations for a Contract for Group Insurance Premium for BPS-01 to BPS-20 Employees. The details are as under:

Quotations for Contract for Group Insurance Premium for BPS-01 to BPS-20 Employees UET Lahore


For all the in-service employees and after 5 years of retirement of employees University of Engineering and Technology Lahore is accepting Group Insurance Quotations.  The Quotations are required for all employees who have reached 65 years of age.

For this purpose, UET invites all well-reputed insurance companies to send their quotations and offers with premium of group insurance.


Group Insurance for UET Employees


UET Lahore is offering contracts with Insurance Companies for group Insurance of in-service and retired employees. All Employees who have attained the age of 65- years will receive this group insurance.


Schedule of GI in Case of Death of Employees


Insurance Companies will pay the amount of Insurance and Premium to  All employees of above mentioned BPS -01 to BPS-20 and above in case of death. The company will make the contract of 3-Years -Years for this group insurance.


Sr.No Basic Pay Scale Amount of Insurance
1. BPS-01 to BPS-04 Rs.1,50,000
2. BPS-05 to BPS-10 Rs.1,75,000
3. BSP-11 to BPS-15 Rs.300,000
4. BPS-16 Rs.450,000
5. BPS-17 Rs.600,000
6. BPS-18 Rs.875,000
7. BPS-19 10,50,000
8. BPS-20 or above Rs.1,250,000

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Contract for Group Insurance Premium for BPS-01 to BPS-20 Employees UET Lahore

General Rules and Instructions


  1. The contract will remain for 3 years. Premium will be paid from 1st July 2023. In case of any claim, the company will also pay from 1st July 2023.
  2. Chairman Board of Group Insurance Engineering and Technology Lahore reserves the right to cancel or disapprove any quotations or proposed offers.
  3. The company will prepare a Balance Sheet for the 3-Financial Years.
  4. Pakistan Life Insurance Company minimum has 10 years of Experience and AA+ ranking.
  5. The insurance company will send their quotations according to the rules of PEPRA.
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Quotations must reach at Office Chairman Board of Group Insurance UET Lahore Dean Faculty of Electrical Engineering on 22nd June 2023. Quotation

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