Notification Constitution Committee for Revision or Grant of New Allowance to Govt Employees

Government of Pakistan Finance Division (Regulations Wing) issued a Notification on 16-12-2024 in connection with the Constitution Committee for Revision or Grant of New Allowances to Govt Employees. The details are as follows:

Revision or Grant of New Allowances to Govt Employees 2024-25


Subject of the Notification: Revision of Existing or Grant of New Allowances to Government Servants during Currency of a Financial Year.

The prime Minister of Pakistan has been pleased to constitute a special committee comprising of the following:


Constitution of Committee


1 Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Chairperson
2 Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Member
3 Minister of State for Finance & Revenue Member
4 Secretary, Finance Division Member
5 Secretary, Cabinet Division Member
6 Secretary, Establishment Division Member
7 Secretary Defense Division Co-opted Member for the Armed Forces.
8 Secretary, Interior Division Co-opted Member for the Civil Armed Forces


  1. The Tors of the Committee shall be to review the proposals received by the Finance Division for revision of existing or grant of new allowances to Government Servants during the currency of a financial year, the Committee shall review and recommend revision/grant to the Cabinet at the time of approval of Annial Budget.
  2. The secretariat support shall be provided by the Finance Division.




All Members

Copy  to all Federal Ministries/Divisions/Web Master of Finance Division


Government Employees Demands


The Government of Pakistan wants to increase the salaries of Govt employees. Keeping in view the current dearness and hikes in prices of the daily use item, it is the need of the time to increase salaries/pay and allowances for the Government employees. The employees are facing a lot of difficulties and they are unable to use the daily use items. They are mainly facing issues regarding the following allowances:

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  • House Rent Allowance
  • Conveyance Allowance
  • Medical Allowance


House Rent Allowance


The employees are getting only a small amount for the House Rent Allowance (HRA). On the other hand, they have to pay a huge amount of rent for the houses they got on rent. The employees even in a small town / ordinary city are paying more than 10000/- per month. In big cities, they have to pay more than 50,000/- per month for rent in suitable areas. In other areas, the amount of rent for a house is not less than 30000/-. On the other hand, the employees are getting an HRA of nearly 2000/- per month to 8000/- per month. The government should increase the HRA at a reasonable ratio.


Conveyance Allowance


The employees are paying a lot of their salaries on conveyance. They have to pay even 25000/- per month for the conveyance who come from more than 10 KM away from their place of duty by their car. The employees having motorcycles also have to consume more than 10000 a month for fuel and vehicle maintenance. The employees request minimum Rs. 15000/- per month as Conveyance Allowance for their conveyances expenses on their duties.


Medical Allowance


Most of the employees are getting Medical Allowance ranging from Rs. 1500/- per month to Rs. 2000/-. However on the other hand this amount is even less than the consultation fee of a Specialist. The government should increase the Medical Allowance minimum to Rs. 5000/- per month or provide better medical facilities free of cost for the employees.

See also  Notification of Increased Utility Allowance Sindh Judiciary Staff 2020


Special Allowance @ 100% of Basic Pay


The Government should also grant a special allowance @ minimum 100% of their running basic pay. This way may have some purchasing power. Otherwise, they are living from hand to mouth, and very difficult for them to live.



Salaries of Parliamentarians and Others


There is news that the Government has increased the salaries at a large scale of parliamentarians and other such categories. Government employees also request the Government to increase the salaries of employees on the same ratio as for the parliamentarians and others.


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Notification Constitution Committee for Revision or Grant of New Allowance to Govt Employees

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