Pay Scales Combined Chart 1977 to 2011

Basic Pay Scales revised in various periods in the history of Pakistan. The chart of revision of Basic Pay Scales since 1977 to 2011 has been combined here for the convenience of the auditors and accounts officers.  This Revised Pay Scales Chart is very useful for fixation the pay of the employees.  In this regard  Mr. Aqeel Ahmad worked hard and after the hard work of many days he succeeded to prepare the given pay scale charts.

Before this many combined charts came to view but this chart has its own special characters and features. This chart has the following main features:


 History of Revision of Basic Pay Scales


 The basic Pay Scales revised on the following dates since 1977:


Revised Pay Scale 1977

Revised Pay Scale 1983

Revised Pay Scale 1987

Revised Pay Scale 1991                       wef 01-06-1991

Revised Pay Scale 1994                       wef 01-07-1994

Revised Pay Scale 2001                       wef 01-12-2001

Revised Pay Scale 2005                       wef 01-07-2005

Revised Pay Scale 2007                       wef 01-07-2007

Revised Pay Scale 2008                       wef 01-07-2008

Revised Pay Scale 2011                       wef 01-07-2011


Main Features of the Combined Pay Scale Chart


 a-                  Revision of pay scale since 1977 to 2011 has been combined for various scales separately eg The revision of Pay Scale 1977 to 2011 for Basic Pay Scale 1 has been made at the same place and hence for the other pay scales. You will not need to carry many papers of various pay scales if you want to fix the pay of an employee from backdate.

See also  Working Papers for Upgradation of BPS of Lecture Assistant Cadre Punjab


b-                  House Rent Allowance has also been mentioned.

c-                  Conveyance Allowance has also been mentioned.

d-                  GP Fund Subscription has also been mentioned here.

e-                  Detail of Luggage charges has also been provided here.


Pay Scales Chart

You can download full chart of combined pay scale since 1977 to 2011 from here:


Download Full Pay Scales Chart


Mr. Zameer-ul-Hassan also prepared the same pay scales charts. These charts are in PDF format. You can also download the same for your information and needs too.


Download Pay Scales Civilian 1977 to 2011



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25 thoughts on “Pay Scales Combined Chart 1977 to 2011

  1. Dear Shumaila Kamal ! AOA

    I have just checked and downloaded the pay scale charts titled

    Article NamePay Scales Combined Chart 1977 to 2011
    AuthorShumaila Kamal
    Description. It is all about the combined chart of revised pay scale 1977 to 2011. You can download the full Pay Chart from here.

    It is confirmed that i have taken the print out as well, but on several pages the cells showing “####” instead of figures. Please correct the same, if possible.

    With profound regards

    1. Dear Naveed, HRA is on the initial of the basic pay scales of 2008. It is 30% & 45%.Medical Allowance is Rs. 1000/- now increased Rs. 1200/- for the employees of BPS-01 to 15 and 15% on the pay of the scales of 2008 for the employees of BPS-16 & above. For Group Insurance & BF there are charts pay wise that are available at this site.

  2. 20% fedral allownce jo isd hicourt na kha ka sub employee ko dain us ka kya bana suna ha wo summary pm sb ka pass gi ah approvel ka lia any body know about it

  3. A.O.A. admin ye file password protected hay if any body amend this file he should enter the password please provide password so that it may be modified according to new provisions in the best public interest and collect prayers.

  4. AA, kya Pay revision rules 1977 (not pay scales) ab tak lago han. or in me librarian k liay kya amendments howi han 2013 tak. plz any body answer me?

  5. CONGRATULATIONS……According to News on Channel 5 Punjab Government issued notification of revised Conveynce allownce on 1 December 2012 with fallowing rates.
    BPS 1-11 = 1500 Rs
    BPS 12-15= 2000
    BPS 16-20= 5000

  6. Assalam o alaikum ! Dear i have come to known through some reliable source that Prime Minsiter has written ” Keep Pending” on the file of Unified Pay Scale Proposals of the Pay and pension committee . Therefore it is requeste to all the govt employees to unified their struggle against this injustice by the Prime Minsiter. The source said that Pm has urged that it is the election year and member needs fund for the support of the voter.there he used such step to stop the file at thier office from further procedure.


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