Revised Rates of Paper Marking and Staff Involved in Exams-PEC

Punjab Examination Commission has issued Revised Rates of Paper Marking and Staff Involved in Exams vide Notification No. PEC-438 dated 23-06-2015. The detail of the same is as under:


S. NoCategoryOld Rates in RupeesRevised Rates in RupeesRemarks
1Superintendent4007001 per Exam Center
2Invigilator2004001 per 30 students
3Class IV1002001 per Exam Center
4Resident Inspector5007001 per school as center
5Mobile Inspector4007001 per 15 Centers
6Head Examiner52010% of paper markers15 papers per markers
7Paper Marker520Rs. 10 per subject paper (Paper A & B)
8Registration Charges for Data Entry Officials2.02.5Rs. 2.5 per student
9Result Data Entry Charges for Data Entry OfficialsNil2.5Rs. 2.5 per student
10Administrative Charges (CTSC)Nil2.5Rs. 2.5 per student
11CTSC HeadsNil10,000 per Grade Exam
12Assistant to Head ExaminersNil1Rs. 1.0 per student

Amendment on 03-07-2015:

Registration Charges shall be paid to I.T Teachers only @ Rs. 2.00/- (two Rupees only)  per student for number of students whose data was entered.


Remuneration Charges PEC


Note: The rates mentioned at serial number 1 to 8 would be applicable from the next financial year 2015-16 and the rates mentioned against serial number 9 to 12 would be applicable from the current financial year to onwards.


Revised Rates Paper Marking PEC



See also  Notification of Winter Vacations in KPK Schools in 2014

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9 thoughts on “Revised Rates of Paper Marking and Staff Involved in Exams-PEC

  1. Madam with great respect I say that I was working as CT Teacher BPS 15 on 2-12-2007 .Then I was promoted to SCT teacher on 1-3-2013 .Now I ask that allowance of notional upgradetion will be allowed to me or not.


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