Notification of Protection of Contract Employees under Contract Policy 2004

Government of Punjab, Higher Education Department has issued Notification No. SO (Commerce) 24-1/2013 dated 28-07-2015 in connection with Protection of Contract Employees under Contract Policy 2004.

According to this Notification 07x Contract Employees of BPS-18 are protected under Contract Policy 2004 of Government of Punjab in relaxation of Punjab Public Service Commission Rules wef 01-08-2012 (Fore Noon).

It has also been approved the condonation of difference in age, qualification, designation and pay scales of contract employees of of Commerce Stream for the implementation of Contract Appointment Policy 2014 with effect from 01-08-2012.

Salary components of such employees shall be protected under the contract appointment policy 2004. However pay of Contract Employees earlier appointed in TEVTA Pay Scales shall be fixed at the present stage of the respective pay scales.

Special thanks to Mr. Mulazam Hussain for sending the copy of the Notification.

Note: Other Lists of BPS-16 & BPS-17 and Non-Gazeeted can be obtained by sending request at [email protected].


Protection of Contract Employees


Protection Contract Employees



See also  Notification of Industry Workers Eid-ul-Azha Holidays 2019

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27 thoughts on “Notification of Protection of Contract Employees under Contract Policy 2004

  1. dear madam salam.
    i was a regular employ of kp govt education deptt from 31-5-1995 in bps 15..
    then i am appointed as teaching assistant in higher education dptt kp on fixed pay 30000 pm on 31-10-2014 for which i got lien from my parent deptt for three years ie form 31-10-2014 to 31-10-2017. while my salary was 50000 pm in 2014. i submitted an application for pay protection but still in process in finance
    i am regularized by assembly act as lecturer bps 17 on 13-10-2017.
    my question is as my pay will be protected from before joining my present post i fulfill all codal formalities ie NOC .application through proper Chanel and LIEN etc.
    plz reply…

  2. Mam, i was appointed on 19 scale, with lump sum pay. Now i got 19 scale in same institution in punjab Pakistan on regular basis. Whether my pay is protected or not. and if yes, where is the notification, i need notification. thanks

  3. Asslamoalaikum!
    Dear I want to protection of contract appointment policy 2004.
    If you have any judgment/orders regarding policy, please send me and oblidge.

  4. Dear miss otherwise it is possible kya?
    my friends take reliving i also put application of reliving and TEVTA ask me for resignation so i do so. then please tell me people those not resign can take this benefits.
    i also consult with my friend in AG Office he guide me there should not Gape between resignation and joining then it will considerable please guide us


  5. Dear miss AOA,
    I am working as an Assistant Professor in HED since 31 may 2011. i have resign TEVTA on 30 may 2011. at that time my basic salary is 18000 according to last Pay slip. but in HED started from 12910. if this pay protection to commerce stream is allowed from CM is it is applicable to me because i have resign from AIT, Commerce College, Lahore. please guide me

  6. mam can u provide me the notification copy of the grant of one month conveyance allowance to the punjab teachers by Government of the punjab due to performing U.P.E/U.S.E duty in the summer vacations of 2013???D.E.O allowed one month C.A to the teachers who performed the U.P.E duty???will you plz provide me on my email id?????my id is [email protected]

    plz send it to me it required urgently..

      1. Aoa! please clear my query.
        i appointed as ESE(bps-09) in august 2012. on dated 07-08-2015 i been regularized as PST. and my basic pay once again adjusted at zero stage of 9th scale and 2 increments that i earned during the contract period became my personal allowance. under recruitment policy2016 i applied through proper channel for SSE(BS-16), and i have been selected for this said post.from permanent post of ESE-09 i once again came on contract post of sse(IT) bs-16. now my pay is bs-16 zero query is whether am i am entitled for the above mentioned personal allowance that i was receiving at BS-09 post after regularization/permanent since 7-8-15?


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