Protection of Pay of Regular Employees Appointed on Contract Basis

Office of the District Accounts Officer Sargodha issued a letter on 13-01-2022 in connection with Protection of Pay of Regular Employees Appointed on Contract Basis later on regularized.


Protection of Pay of Regular Employees Appointed on Contract Basis


Para XVIII(6) of the Contract Policy, 2004 provides that pay of the employees, who join back to their original substantive post within the period of lien, may be fixed by adding annual increments for the period served as contract employee without any benefit of difference as a result of such refixation. Such inclusion of increments, earned during the contract period in the basic pay, seems to be the reason that the employee continues his/her service against the substantive post as a regular employee.


Clarification of Accountant General Punjab


The orders issued by Govt. of the Punjab, Finance Department, Lahore vide letter No. FD.SR-I/11-30/2021 dated 03.09.2021 as well as the office of the Accountant General Punjab, Lahore also clarified vide letter No.PR-C/Pay & All/2019-20/2120 dated 25.06.2021 that the pay of civil servant shall be protected upon this regularization against the post which he joins on appointment through proper channel from the substantive post.


Personal Allowance


Only pay of initially recruited employees, upon regularization, is required to be fixed at the initial of the respective pay scale and increments so earned will be added as a personal allowance. Govt. of the Punjab, Finance Department, Lahore vide letter No. also issued clarification for treatment of personal allowance later on.

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Pay Protection


In the Light of the provision of contract policy and Finance Department/Office of the Accountant General Punjab, Lahore orders/letters referred to above, this office is of the view that as per provision of rule 4.4(a)(i & ii) of CSR Vol-I, the pay of a regular employee, who joins contract service through proper channel and later on appointed on regular basis against the same new post, will be fixed by adding increments for the period he/she served as a contract employee on a national basis without the benefit of such refixation on the same analogy as provided in para XVIII(6) of Contract Policy, 2004.


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Protection of Pay of Regular Employees Appointed on Contract

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