Notification of Criteria for Fixation Naib Tehsildars Posts

Board of Revenue Punjab (Establishment Field Branch) has issued Notification on 19-06-2018 in connection with Criteria for Fixation Naib Tehsildars Posts. Detail is as under:

The revenue units are created and maintained on the basis of work load, revenue collection and actual requirements of the public service delivery, Major functions of the Revenue Officers e.g. mutations, updation of land records, have been shifted to the Punjab Land Records Authority (PLRA), However, despite the creation of Punjab Land Records Authority functions such as crop inspection, partition of joint holdings, revenue recovery, demarcation of land, are yet to be taken are of the Revenue Officers.

  1. In view of the above, the sanctioned strength of Naib Tehsildars has been reviewed. It has therefore been decided that:
  1. 198 vacant posts of Naib Tehsildars (out of direct recruitment quota only) shall stand abolished w.e.f. 01.07.2018;
  2. No working Revenue Officer will be made jobless;
  3. Their promotion prospects will be protected:
  4. Division-wise break up of revised vacancy position of Naib Tehsildars is annexed. The Divisional Commissions shall furnish the proposal regarding revised Revenue circles to Board of Revenue, Punjab for approval in the second quarter of next financial year i.e. 2018-19 based on work load and recovery positions in the light of instructions contained in the Land Records Manual.

Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Criteria for Fixation Naib Tehsildars Posts.


Fixation Naib Tehsildars Posts

Naib Tehsildars


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