Notification of Overtime Allowance 2018 to the Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division has issued Notification on 02-07-2018 in connection with Overtime Allowance 2018 to the Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders. Detail is as under:

The undersigned is directed to refer to Finance Division’s O.M. No.4(1)R-5/2010 dated 6-7-2015 on the above subject and to state that the President has been pleased to enhance the rate of overtime allowance admissible to Staff Car Drivers/Dispatch Riders, w.e.f 1-7-2018, as under: –

Designation Existing Revised
Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders Rs. 40/- per hour subject to maximum Rs. 240/- per day On working days:

Rs. 80/- per hour subject to maximum Rs. 480/- per day.

On holidays: Rs. 100/- per hour subject to maximum Rs. 600/- per day.


  1. The existing condition that the overtime allowance of staff car drivers/dispatch riders will only be paid of it has been verified by the officer concerned, will continue to apply.


Overtime Allowance 2018


See also  Notification of Remuneration Charges for 6th Population and Housing Census

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4 thoughts on “Notification of Overtime Allowance 2018 to the Staff Car Drivers and Dispatch Riders

  1. Please guide me regarding the promotion of Drivers. I am working in a DHQ and drivers are asking for the promotion to BPS-07. Please guide me is there any notification relevant to promotion of drivers? I shall be very thankfull to you for this.


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