Lahore High Court Lahore has issued Notification on 18-06-2019 in connection with Placement of Data Processing Coordinators and DEO against Upgraded Posts in BPS-15 & 14 Respectively. Detail is as under:
Consequent upon this Court`s Notification No.11207/HR-III. Dated 03.06.2019, the Hon`ble Chief Justice, upon the recommendations of the ho0n`ble Time Scale Promotion Committee, has been pleased to place the following Data Processing Coordinators (BS-14) and Data Entry Operators (BS-13) against the up-graded posts in BS-15 and BS-14 respectively w.e.f. 03.06.2019:-
Special thanks to Malik Baseer Sami for sending the copy of Notification of Placement of DPCs and DEO against Upgraded Posts in BPS-15 & 14 Respectively.