Full Detail of Selection Criteria for CTIs Jobs 2019

In order to overcome the shortage of teaching staff in the Colleges of Punjab, Higher Education Department has decided to hire the College Teaching Interns (CTI) 2019. I shall explain all the details of the Selection Criteria for CTIs Jobs 2019. As far now, new notification of the same not yet issued. However on the basis of previous notifications I have prepared the detail of the same.


Note: All this Selection Criteria is based on the previous years experience. As soon as I get the latest updates in this regard I shall update the same here at this post.


Calculation of Total Marks Criteria for CTIs Jobs 2019


Qualification: Master at least 2nd Division in the relevant subject


  • Marks for Education Qualification =85
  • The Marks for Qualification above Master Degree =05
  • Marks for position holders in Board I University =05
  • Interview Marks =05

(Interview marks will be awarded on satisfactory presentation by the candidate on the subject)


You may also like: Tentative Merit List for CTIs 2019


Stipend for CTIs


Rs. 45,000/- per month, the disbursement of stipend shall take place strictly through crossed cheques I bank accounts of selected CTIs.

Note: It is better you prepare a simple application for Teaching job as CTIs and also a CV as Higher Education Department has already mentioned for CV in the advertisement.

Age Limit

No age limit


Period of Placement:

Upto 30-04-2020



Two casual leaves per month



Department will grant TA / DA if the CTIs goes for official duty as per rules.

See also  National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Lahore Campus Teaching Jobs 2024


Joining Period


The College Teaching Interns (CTI) will have to join duties within 7 days after the issuance of offer of placement otherwise the offer shall stand withdrawn.


Selection Committee for CTIs


The Selection Committee will consist of the following:

  1. a) Principal of the College concerned In Chair
  2. b) Teacher of subject from College / District nominated by the Principal
  3. c) Vice Principal/Senior most teacher of the College.


In case of Colleges where posts of Principal, vice principal, etc. are vacant the Director (Colleges) concerned will nominate three members committee to hold interview.

You may also like: All Punjab District Wise Vacancies for CTIs 2019


Qualification Marks Criteria


Selection Criteria for CTIs Jobs 2019




In case of occurrence of vacancy or a CTI resigns, then the next candidate in the awaiting list may be given the opportunity to join for the remaining period of the contract within the criteria.

The Higher Education Department has already issued the Advertisement for CTIs Jobs 2019. As soon as i get the further updates of the Selection Criteria for CTIs Jobs 2019, I shall update the same here.


Merit Formula for CTIs Jobs 2019


You can also try this merit formula that is still not test. You can test the same and if there is any improvement, you can mention the same in comments. (error and mistakes are emitted)




Merit Formula for CTIs Jobs 2019

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12 thoughts on “Full Detail of Selection Criteria for CTIs Jobs 2019

      1. It’s just a funny trick by the government I visited so many colleges but every college official told there no vacancy available for cti’s

  1. Very informative and helpful .Thank you very much sir . kindly share a “cv” related post especially for fresher candidates having no experience at all except there academic qualification .How do they write their cv for CTI’s post…

  2. AOA, I got a lot of information from this. Thank you. I have a question. Can you please explain the “Selection Marks Criteria” picture. What does it say? I shall be thankful.


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