Increase in Salary of All Govt Employees on 1st December 2019 Regarding Annual Increment 2019

You know that Annual Increment is granted to the Government employees on 1st December each year. This year too on 1st December Annual Increment 2019 will be granted to all the employees. The amount of annual increment is fixed for each scale. It is scale based not on the length of service based for the same scale employee. It means the employee having more service and employee having less service, both will get the same amount of annual increment.

The employee will not only get the fixed annual increment amount but there will be also increase to the allowances that are on the current basis pay. It this time there are three main allowances that are based on the current or running basic pay of the Basic Revised Pay Scales 2017. These are as under:


  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2017 @ 10% of the Running Basic Pay (For Sindh Government 15%)
  • ARA-2018 @ 10% of the Running Basic Pay
  • Adhoc Relief Allowance 2019 @ 10% of the Running Basic Pay for BPS-01 to BPS-16 and 5% for BPS-17 to BPS-20. There is no increase for BPS-20 & BPS-22. (For Sindh Government 15% for all)


Increase Salary Federal, Punjab, KPK and Balochistan Employees After Granting Annual Increment 2019


Basic Pay Scale (BPS) Annual Increment 10% Increase (2017) (Ten)10% increase (2018) 10% increase  (2019) Total Increase in Salary
BPS-01 290 29 29 29 377
BPS-02 330 33 33 33 429
BPS-03 390 39 39 39 507
BPS-04 440 44 44 44 572
BPS-05 500 50 50 50 650
BPS-06 560 56 56 56 728
BPS-07 610 61 61 61 793
BPS-08 670 67 67 67 871
BPS-09 730 73 73 73 949
BPS-10 800 80 80 80 1040
BPS-11 880 88 88 88 1144
BPS-12 960 96 96 96 1248
BPS-13 1050 105 105 105 1365
BPS-14 1170 117 117 117 1521
BPS-15 1330 133 133 133 1729
BPS-16 1520 152 152 152 1976
BPS-17 2300 230 230 115 2875
BPS-18 2870 287 287 144 3588
BPS-19 3050 305 305 153 3813
BPS-20 4510 451 451 226 5638
BPS-21 5000 500 500 0 6000
BPS-22 5870 587 587 0 7044
See also  Notification of Revision Conveyance Charges 2018 Punjab

Increase Salary Increase Annual Increment 2019

Increase Salary Sindh Government Employees 1st December 2019


However for the Sindh Government Employees Adhoc Relief Allowance 2017 and Adhoc Relief Allowance 2019 are 15% instead of 10% as compared to all other provincial and federal Government Employees. However Adhoc Relief Allowance 2018 is same as others. So there will be more increase for the Sindh Government Employees on 01-12-2019.


Basic Pay Scale No Annual Increment 15% Increase (2017) 10% (2018) 15% Increase 2019 Total Increase in Salary
BPS-01 290 44 29 44 407
BPS-02 330 50 33 50 463
BPS-03 390 59 39 59 547
BPS-04 440 66 44 66 616
BPS-05 500 75 50 75 700
BPS-06 560 84 56 84 784
BPS-07 610 92 61 92 855
BPS-08 670 101 67 101 939
BPS-09 730 110 73 110 1023
BPS-10 800 120 80 120 1120
BPS-11 880 132 88 132 1232
BPS-12 960 144 96 144 1344
BPS-13 1050 158 105 158 1474
BPS-14 1170 176 117 176 1639
BPS-15 1330 200 133 200 1863
BPS-16 1520 228 152 228 2128
BPS-17 2300 345 230 345 3220
BPS-18 2870 431 287 431 4019
BPS-19 3050 458 305 458 4271
BPS-20 4510 677 451 677 6315
BPS-21 5000 750 500 750 7000
BPS-22 5870 881 587 881 8219

Sindh Increase Salary Annual Increment 2019

Special thanks to Mr. Umar Farooq Umar for supporting to write this article for the Increase in Salary of All Government Employees on 1st December 2019 Regarding Annual Increment 2019. Just feel free to comment, if you think there is any point left out or you find any mistake.

See also  Special Allowance to the IESCO Employees @10000 PM

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21 thoughts on “Increase in Salary of All Govt Employees on 1st December 2019 Regarding Annual Increment 2019

  1. Respected Sir,
    I am appointed as Jr. Clerk BPS-07 in 2007 RPO Office Punjab Police Lahore and i am regularized in 2009. After that i am appointed through PPSC as Data Entry Operator BPS-11 on 16.09.2015 in Punjab Police Special Branch Lahore. I relieved from RPO office as Jr. Clerk BPS-7 on 15.09.2015 but annual increment of Jr. Clerk is not adjusted in my basic pay. I want annual increment of Jr. Clerk 2015. plz sent any rules about it.
    Arfan Ali

  2. aoa I was in BPS-9 from 1 June 2019 to 18 October 2019 and then I am in BPS-17 from 19 October 2019 to date …For December Increment what will be?
    1. will be increment for BPS-09 or BPS-17? plz reply me as soon as possible.
    I shall be grateful to you.

  3. AOA i am teacher on contract base in kpk from february 2019 and extension order of 2nd year also issue .I received increment in december 2019 and january 2020 if this is correct according to rules pleas send me notification .

  4. If the date of regularization is 11-06-2019 then the December increment is avail or not ….9 days are less in service counted 6 month …and department cannot provide December increment….so please provide information as and notification letter

      1. We are in sam scale as contact and regulrzd in sam scale wo are not new appointy I can’t understand such laws when our appointments are new then say service is less than 6 month we can’t take increment but we serving our job in sam scale since 3 years and not eligible for increment


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