Notification of Time Scale Promotion SS and SSS Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development

Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development, Government of the Punjab, Wahdat Colony, Lahore has issued Notification on 15-10-2019 in connection with Time Scale Promotion SS and SSS. Detail is as under:

No.DSD/GCENT/34-19/VOL-XI/3029 Consequent upon the approval by the Competent Authority in the light of Finance Department notification No. FD.PC-4012/2017 dated 17.07.2019. Time scale Promotion of the following officers to their next relevant scales is hereby approved.


Sr. # Name Designation Existing Regular BPS Date of Joining in Existing Scale The Date of Completion (10 Years) Date From which Time Scale Promotion in admissible
1. Syed Ali Hussain Naqvi QASED Sargodha SSS(Bio) 19 24.04.2009 23.04.2019 23.04.2019
2. Dr. Zubair Ahmad Shah QASED Sargodha SSS(Edu) 228 31.07.20007 30.07.2017 01.02.2019
3. Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad SS(Eng) 17 30.05.2007 29.05.2017 01.02.2019
4. Mr. Shaukat Rizwan QASED shahpur Sadar, Sargodha SSS(Physics) 18 30.04.2009 29.04.2019 20.04.2019


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the Notification of Time Scale Promotion SS and SSS Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development.


Time Scale Promotion SS

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