Notification of Forwarding of Pension Cases Direct to Office of AG Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued Notification on 06-12-2019 in connection with Forwarding of Pension Cases to Office of Accountant General Punjab by the Pension Sanctioning Authorities. Detail is as under:


Forwarding of Pension Cases to Office of AG Punjab


I am directed to refer to this Department’s Letter No.FD.SR.III/4-III/4-303/2012 dated 01.04.2014 tilted “New Simplified Procedure of Processing and Disbursement of Pension Trough Pension Roll.” This arrangement was made under “Automated Pension Disbursement Project.” The same has been closed on 20.08.2019.


I am further directed to say that before closure of Automated Pension Disbursement Project the pension sanctioning authorities used to send pension cases to Accountant General, Punjab, Lahore Office through Punjab Pension Fund, Lahore. This sort of arrangement was made to create awareness among the Administrative Department due to automation of pension, being new initiative, which was started in 2014. With the passage of time, Finance Department feels that the Pension Sanctioning Authorities have gained enough knowledge to deal with such cases. Therefore, it is imperative that all Pension sanctioning Authorities under your administrative control may be advised to directly forward pension cases to Accountant General, Punjab Office.


Special Thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan who sent the copy of the Notification.



Forwarding of Pension Cases to Office

Pension Documents Direct to AG Office

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