Ban to Attend the Private Institutions & Tuition Academies for Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff of KPK

Private Schools Regulatory Authority, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has issued Notification on 17-03-2020 in connection with Ban to Attend the Private Institutions & Tuition Academies for Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff of KPK. Detail is as under:


Ban to Attend the Private Institutions & Tuition Academies for Teaching / Non-Teaching



I am directed to refer to Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Relief, Rehabilitation& Settlement Department Notification No. SO (Admn) PR &SD/2-49/2020 dated 16th March 2020. In pursuance of decisions of the meeting held by Chief Secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on 16-03-2020 regarding preventive and precautionary measures to control Corona Virus and to communicate you that all the teaching and non-teaching administrative staff of all private schools and tuition academies will not attend the institutions.

The department decided so due to the prevailing situation of the corona virus. Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has already closed all the Government Schools and disallowed the teaching and non-teaching staff to attend the schools/ colleges.


Situation of Board / University Papers


In the same way, they have postponed all the Boards papers for KPK. According to Elementary & Secondary Education Department there have been given three options for the Revised Schedule of SSC & HSSC Annual Exam 2020. However it all depends on the situation of this fatal disease during the coming days.

If the situation is in control, then there are much chances to re-open the schools / colleges and universities. Hence the re-start of the Board / University Exams.

See also  Notification Lifting Ban Transfer Posting 2018 Punjab School Education Department


Precautionary Measures


All the teaching and non-teaching staff should stay at home safely. They should avoid to roam in streets, parks, restaurants etc.

It is requested to all the private school owners that they should now allow their staff to stay at their homes. School authorities should not force them to attend the school / college / academy. They should also not make deductions of the salaries of their teaching and administrative staff. Hope all is well soon. In Sha Allah.



Ban to Attend the Private Institutions

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