School Leaving Certificate and Discount in Fee Private Schools KPK

Private Schools Regulatory Authority Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has issued Notification on 01-07-2020 in connection with Latest Instructions of School Leaving Certificate and Discount in Fee Private Schools KPK. The details are as under:


Discount in Fee Private Schools KPK & SLCs


No. MD (PSRA)/Admn/1-1/2020: As approved in the 12th Meeting of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Private Schools Regulatory Authority all the Private schools and others concerned are hereby instructed to9 observe the following directions.


  1. A Student shall be considered on the admission list of a school till the date of his application for a school Leaving Certificate (SLC).
  2. Issuance of SLC is made subject to clearance of dues from the respective schools.
  3. As prescribed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Epidemic Control & Emergency Relief Ordinance 2020:
  4. All students are supposed to be their fee regularly every month throughout the period of emergency leaves for as long as they remain on the schools’ admission list.
  5. There is a special COVID-19 discount of 10% of net free for less than 6000/- and 20% discount on the net fee for a fee more than 6000/-
  6. This special COVID-19 discount is in addition to any other discount extended to students before the promulgation of the ibid Ordinance such as sibling discount, special discount, orphan discount or merit discount, etc.
  7. There shall be no increase in the fee this year.
  8. Discount accorded before the promulgation of the ibid Ordinance can be withdrawn or adjusted in COVID-19 Discount.
  9. Shall and Teachers are supposed to be paid them regularly, No teacher or staff can be dismissed/discharged/sacked during this emergency period. Salary disbursement should not be made conditional on fee collection.
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All the instructions conveyed above are to be strictly followed in letter and spirit by all concerned.


School Leaving Certificate and Discount of Fee Private Schools KPK




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