Grant of Time Scale Incentive to the Employees of BPS-05 & Above AJK

Finance Department Azad Govt of the State of Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad has issued Notification on 20-09-2020 in connection with Grant of Time Scale Incentive to the Employees of BPS-05 & above Azad Jammu & Kashmir. The details are as under:

No.FD/R.16676-16875/2019. President Azad Jammu & Kashmir has been pleased to accord the following approval.

  1. In supersession of the Time Scale incentive granted vide O.M No. FD/R/9261-9360/2016 dated 03-06-2016, the grant of Time Scale incentive to the employees in BS-5 & above in the next immediate pay scale subject to ten years continuous regular service in a basic pay scale without any promotion prospect either because of insufficiency of posts reserved for promotion or non-availability of posts (except those who already availing the incentive of time scale). This incentive would however be contingent upon the availability of good/satisfactory service record;
  2. Since time Scale incentive is not a promotion per-se, the premature increment will not be admissible on the grant of time scale incentive;
  • Admissibility of this incentive w.e.f. 01-06-2019.

For Attached Departments

  • Employees in BS-05 to BS-15 Head of Attached Department
  • Employees in BS-16 to BS-17 Administrative Secretary concerned

For Civil Secretariat

  • Employees in BS-05 and above            Secretary S&GAD
  • Employees in BS-05 and above relating Administrative Secretary Concerned to Special Functional Units in the Civil Secretariat.

Grant of Time Scale Incentive to the Employees of BPS-05 & Above AJK

See also  Double Job during Regular Service

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