Notification of Pensioner’s Biometric Verification in March & October

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Budget Wing) has made amendments in Federal Govt Treasury Rules and issued a Notification on 28-01-2021 regarding Notification of Pensioner’s Biometric Verification in March & October. The details are as under:

Pensioner’s Biometric Verification in March & October

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 42 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2019, the Federal Government is pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be made in the Federal Treasury Rules, namely:-

In the aforesaid;-

Verification on National Database & NADRA

  • In rule 349, for sub-rule (8), the following shall be substituted, namely;- ‘(8) A pensioner drawing pension under clause (iii) of sub-rule (6)  shall be bound to undergo biometric verification on National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) system from any branch of a bank maintaining his pension account, every year in this month of March and October or provide a life certificate signed by a person authorized under rule 343, if he is unable to undergo biometric verification due to incapacitation by body illness, infirmity or if his fingerprints do not exist due to old age or genetic condition’;

Revised Form T.R 40

  • For rule 353, the following shall be substituted, namely,:-                 ‘353. A declaration in revised From T.R. 40 shall be obtained yearly from pensioners whose pension is terminable by their marriage or re-marriage and shall be attached to the bills for a pension paid for September; however, this requirement shall be dispended with after attaining by the pensioner the age of sixty years.
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Proof of Life


  • For rule 368, In all cases referred to in rules 342,343 and 348, the disbursing officer must take special precautions to prevent impositions and must, at least once a year, receive proof of life or proof of continued existence of the pensioner, through NADRA’s biometric verification at any branch of a bank maintaining his pension account, which shall be conclusive proof of the continued existence of the pensioner.

Any pensioner who is incapacitated by bodily illness or in infirmity from so going to any branch of a bank for biometric verification or whose fingerprints no longer exist due to old age or infirmity or a genetic condition, that pensioner shall give written request for exemption and for that pensioner, the disbursing officer shall allow proof of the life through life certification as conclusive proof of his continued existence. The disbursing officer shall be responsible for any payment wrongly made and in all cases of doubt, he must consult the Accountant General. To be continued…………..


Pensioner’s Biometric Verification in March & October


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