Amendment in Marriage, Farewell and Funeral Grant (BF & Group Insurance Rules 1972) AJ&K

Azad Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Services & General Administration Department has issued a Notification on 15-03-2021 in connection with Amendment in Marriage, Farewell and Funeral Grant (BF & Group Insurance Rules 1972) AJ&K employees. The details are as under:


Amendment in Marriage, Farewell, and Funeral Grant AJ&K


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of the Azad Kashmir Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1971 (Act XVI of 1971), the Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Rules 1972, namely:-

  1. In the Aforesaid Rules, after rule 14 a new rule 14-A shall be added/ inserted as under:-

โ€œ14-A, The following grants, from Azad Jammu & Kashmir Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance (Non-gazetted) shall, subject to the provision of these rules, be admissible to the employees in BPS-01 to BPS-15 and time scale BPS-16 (non-gazetted) who are subscribers to the fund or to their families, as the case may be:-


Farewell Grant:-


  1. A sum equal to last basic pay subject maximum Rs.75,000/- (Seventy Five Thousand) shall be paid to (Non-gazetted) Employee at the time of his retirement either on attaining the age of superannuation or on completion of qualifying service.


Marriage Grant:-


  1. A lump Sum amount of Rs.50,000/- (fifty Thousand) out of Benovalant Fund shall be payable to the serving/retired or family of the deceased Government Employee, (as the case may be) on account of the Marriage of one (01) daughter subject to the following:-
  • The marriage grant shall be paid on production of Nikah Nama duly registered by the Competent Authority; and
  • The Application is made on prescribed form within the period specified by the Board.
See also  Notification of Settlement Retirement Benefit against Group Insurance KPK


Funeral charge:-


  1. If an employee dies during service, a Lump Sum amount of Rs.30,000/- (Thirty Thousand) shall be payable to the family of the deceased employee for funeral charges subject to the condition that application for this purpose is made to Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance (Non-gazetted).
  2. In the aforesaid Rules, for the first Schedule (pertaining to rates of monthly subscription Benevolent Fund (Non-Gazetted), the following shall be substituted:-


โ€œ(i) Every Non-Gazetted employee shall make a contribution in the form of monthly subscription @ 3% of his/her basic pay to the Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance (Non-Gazetted)โ€.


  1. This notification shall take effect immediately.


Amendment in Marriage, Farewell and Funeral Grant (BF & Group Insurance Rules 1972) AJ&K



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