Clarification Salary Upto 60 Years Age to Family of Contract Employee

Government of the Punjab, Finance Department has issued a Notification on 27-04-2021 in connection with Clarification Conveyance Allowance and Salary Upto 60 Years Age to Family of Contract Government Employee.

Clarification CA & Salary Upto 60 Years Age to Family of Contract Employee


I am directed to refer to your letter bearing No. TM-I/2-3A(ii)/Pt-II/2017-19/2036, dated 18..03.2021 on the subject noted above.


Query Reply

Conveyance Allowance


Clarification of Finance Department bearing No. FD.SR-I/3-15/2014, dated 15.02.2018 and No. FD SR-I/3-13/2018 dated 07.10.2020 are contradictory to each other. It is the request to issue advice in a specific standard.


As clarification letter of Finance Department bearing No. FD.SR-I/3-15/2014, dated  15.02.2018 (copy enclosed) lost its applicability to the extent of conveyance allowance mentioned at serial No. (i) upon issuance of Finance Department bearing No. FD.SR-I/3-13/2018, dated 07.10.2020 (copy enclosed)

Clarification letter of Finance Department bearing No. FD SR-I/3-13/2018, dated 07.10.2021 (copy enclosed) should consider while treating the case of OSD post.

Net Salary


Whether the net salary up to the age of 60 years Accounts Office should pay to the family of a contract employee in the light of Para-2(1) of a clarification letter of Finance Department bearing No. FD.SR-I/3-3/2017, dated 29.11.2017.

Para-2(1) of clarification of letter of Finance Department bearing No. FD SR-I/3-3/2017, dated, 29.11.2017  (copy enclosed) provides that the family of the deceased who is a civil servant, shall be allowed net salary along with annual increases in the pay till the date of superannuation of the deceased civil servant as per Serial-2(i) of Finance Department’s policy letter dated 15.08.2017 (copy enclosed). Accordingly, a family of a deceased contract employee is not entitled to receive a monthly salary till the date of superannuation.

Salary Upto 60 Years Age to Family of Contract Employee

See also  Notification of Revised Assistance Package 2017 Sindh Government

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