Punjab Govt Employees ARA 2023 35% on Running Basic Pay Updates 22-07-2023

I am sharing here the latest updates of Punjab Govt Employees ARA 2023 35% on Running Basic Pay.  There is a Provincial Cabinet meeting on 22-07-2023. The increase in salaries of the Punjab Government employees as Pension as per Federal Government and other provinces is included in the agenda. Before this Punjab Government Finance Department issued a Notification on 18th July 2023 regarding Adoc Relief Allowance Punjab 2023 @ 30% Initial Basic Pay. Now there is a hope that Punjab Government employees will also get the ARA 2023 on running basic pay. 



Updates of Punjab Govt Employees ARA 2023 35% on Running Basic Pay  and Pension Increase

There are the latest news and big news for the Government employees of Punjab. There is now a hope that they will get an increase in their salaries @ 35% and 30% on running basic pay. Federal Government has already issued the Notification of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 35% & 30% on running basic pay.


Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi calls a cabinet meeting today in order to discuss the major subjects related to Muharram and other issues.

The agenda related to increasing the salaries of government employees in Punjab is also included in the minutes of the meeting. The participants of the meeting discuss a 35% Increase in Adhoc Relief Allowance per month and a 5% increase in pension.


Latest News Updates of Salary Increase Punjab Employees


As per the latest updates at 8 pm 22-07-2023, the employees and pensioners of Punjab will get the Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 and Pension as per Federal Pattern that is as under:

See also  How Much Salary Pay Increase in Budget 2020-21 for Employees?


  • BPS-01 to BPS-16 Employees of Punjab = 35% of Running Basic Pay
  • BPS-17 to BPS-22 = 30% of Running Basic Pay
  • Pension = 17.5% of Net Pension



*نگران وزیراعلی پنجاب سید محسن رضا نقوی کی زیرصدارت صوبائی کابینہ کا اجلاس*
*سرکاری ملازمین کی تنخواہوں اور پنشن میں اضافے کی منظوری دے دی گئی*
*پنجاب کے سرکاری ملازمین کی تنخواہوں، پنشنر میں اضافہ وفاق کی طرز پر ہوگا*



Cabinet Meeting Discussion on Increasing Salaries of Government Employees


In the month of June, all the provinces of Pakistan present their Budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024. Including the federal government and other provinces except Punjab increase the salaries of government employees by 35% for BPS-01 to BPS-16. and 30% for the BPS-17 to BPS-22 to above. They also raise the pension up to 17.5%.  All these governments are ready to pay this additional value on a monthly basis with effect from the first of July 2023. But the government of Punjab increases this value less than the other provinces. Punjab also increases the pension by 5%, which Is also less.


Govt. Employees Request to Increase Allowance up to 35%


In Punjab Budget 2023-2024 The increase in ARA and pension of Punjab government employees is not satisfactory. It is not up to the mark of expectation of government employees. For this reason, they request the government of Punjab to increase their ARA and pension just like other provinces. Just like other provinces They demand in 35% increase in ARA on running Basic Pay. And a 17.5% increase in monthly pension. They also request to provide this increase on running a basic pay scale.

See also  Salary Increase in Budget 2022-23 News 10th June 2022

They request to take back the previous notification and issue a new one as per 35%. Because the current increase in salaries will implement from the first of July 2023. So the government employees demand for  35% increase and implement running basic pay.

Punjab Govt Employees ARA 2023 35% on Running Basic Pay Updates



10th Point Minutes of Meeting Increase Salaries of Government Employees


And today’s cabinet meeting the participants will also make suggestions and discussion on 10 points. The 10th point of the minutes of the meeting is related to a 35% increase in salaries of government employees working in Punjab. They include this point at the request of representatives of the Punjab government employee’s association. As all government employees in Punjab also want relief just like the government employees of other provinces. They request to give equal rights to all employees in all provinces without discrimination.


Newspaper News


As per the Daily Jang, the same news was published in the paper. The same is as under:



Punjab Govt Salary Increase News 2023



Revised Schedule of Meeting of Provincial Cabinet



The schedule of the meeting of the cabinet has been revised. In this regard, the Punjab  Govt has issued the Notification. As per the new schedule, they will hold a meeting now at 1900 HRS on 22-07-2023 instead of 1700 HRS.


Agenda Meeting Time




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8 thoughts on “Punjab Govt Employees ARA 2023 35% on Running Basic Pay Updates 22-07-2023

  1. I m retiring on 28.08.2023. There is 25 % and 15 % special Allowance in my salary slip since the last two years. My question is either the special Allowance is included in my pension or I was deprived the special Allowance after my retirement.

  2. leave encashment kay baray mein kayadat khamosh kyoun hay???

    wo mlazmeen jo mustaqbil qareeb mein retire honay walay han un mein kafi preshani hay
    . kayadat se guzarish hay please iss baray mein jald itmanana dilaya jai.


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