Notification Minimum Wage Rates 2024 Domestic Workers Employed in Households Punjab

Government of the Punjab, Minimum Wages Board Lahore issued a Notification on 05-07-2024 in connection with Minimum Wage Rates 2024 Domestic Workers Punjab. The details are as follows:


Minimum Wage Rates 2024 Domestic Workers Punjab (Rs. 37,000/- Per Month)



Government of the Punjab Minimum Wages Board 62-D New Muslim Town Lahore Notification contents are as below:


No. MWB/58(VI)/2024: The following draft recommendations which the Minimum Wages Board proposes to review under section 16 of the Punjab Domestic Workers Act, 2019 in respect of domestic workers Act, 2019 in respect of domestic workers employed in all households in the Punjab Province are hereby published as required under Rule 14(1) of the Minimum Wages Rules, 1962 for information of persons likely to be affected by it. Notice is hereby given that the proposed rates together with objections and suggestions with respect thereto, may be received by the Secretary, Minimum Wages Board Punjab, Lahore, within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of this notification in the official Gazette, which shall be taken into consideration by the said Board under Rule 14(2) of Rules ibid. Any objection or suggestion received after the expiry of the prescribed period will not be considered/entertained.


Draft recommendations for the rates of Daily Wages


Draft recommendations regarding the fixation of minimum rates of wages for domestic workers employed in all households in the Punjab Province.

  1. These recommendations shall apply to all households located in the Punjab Province under Section 16 of the Punjab Domestic Workers Act 2019. The minimum rates of wages being proposed for domestic workers shall be applicable uniformly throughout the Province.
  2. These recommendations shall be applicable as per provisions of the Punjab Domestic Workers Act, 2019. And shall come into force w.e.f. 01.07.2024 after their approval and notification by the Government of the Punjab under Section 17 of the said act.
  3. As per provisions of rule 15 of the Rules ibid, for work of equal value, a female worker of the category shall get the same minimum wages as allowed to a male worker of the category for such work.
  4. The daily/weekly working hours and conditions of overtime work and work on weekly days of rest and on paid holidays, etc. in respect of domestic workers of the given category shall be regulated by the Punjab Domestic Workers Act, 2019 and other relevant Labour Laws,
  5. The following dedications shall be allowed to the employees for providing housing accommodation and transport to the workers employed by them:-
  6. For providing housing accommodation @Rs.459.03/- per month
  7. For providing transport           @Rs. 98.28/- per month
  8. The schedule of the proposed minimum rate of wages is appended below:-
See also  Notification of Grant of Superior Executive Allowance


Schedule of Rates


Sr.No. Category of Workers Proposed minimum rates of Wages
PH Per House Per day (for 8 working hours) Per month (for 26 working days)
1.        Domestic Workers employed in all households of Punjab Province Rs.177.88 Rs.1423.07/- Rs.37,000/-


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Notification Minimum Wage Rates 2024 Domestic Workers Punjab

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