Recommendations of Minimum Wages Punjab 2023 for Unskilled Adult and Adolescent Workers

Government of the Punjab, Labour & HR Department issued a Notification on 19-09-2023 in connection with Recommendations of Minimum Wages Punjab 2023 for Unskilled Adult and Adolescent Workers. The details are as under:


Minimum Wages Punjab 2023 for Unskilled Adult and Adolescent Workers

Government of Punjab Labour and Human Resource Department issues notifications and completes the Punjab Gazette for daily wages rates for workers/Labour. The Governor of Punjab specifies the minimum rates of wages for different categories of workers.  The new rates are for all the workers including unskilled, adult, and adolescent Labour force. These are employees in all industries and commercial establishments of the Punjab province are concerned. According to the notification of 9th September 2023;


  1. The minimum wage rate per day for eight working hours is Rs. 1230.77.
  2. The minimum wage rate per month for 26 working days for all categories of Labour is Rs. 32,000.


All industrial and commercial establishments will follow the new rates. Almost 102 commercial establishments or industries are mentioned in The Gazette. All the employees who fall under these industries are eligible to get veggies on a monthly basis according to the new rates. The employer is bound To place the missing job classifications in the suitable category of workers or refer it back to the minimum wages board for necessary advice.


Deductions for Housing Accommodation and Transport Facility


According to the notification the employers can deduct a small amount for providing housing accommodation and transport facilities to the workers. If any worker is availing of any facility, he must sign an agreement with his employer regarding the deduction for all facilities they have.

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Minimum Wage Rate for the Female Workers


Government of Pakistan provides equal work opportunities to male and female workers. Therefore, female workers of all categories will get the same minimum wage as male workers.


Conditions of Regularization of Labour Force


 in respect of daily weekly working hours and conditions of working overtime or Word on the rest of the days of the week.  The employers must regularize the unskilled adult and adolescent Labour force of all categories. They must follow the rules and conditions of the Factories Act 1934 and the Payment of Wages Act 1936.


Minimum wage rate for the Skilled /Highly Skilled Labour


The qualified trained and well-experienced labor force is also serving the industries and commercial establishments in the country.  So, the minimum rates of wages for these categories of workers including highly skilled, skilled, and semi-skilled labor are also fixed. Their wages will not be less than the minimum rates of wages fixed for unskilled adult and adolescent workers in the province of Punjab.

Punjab New Minimum Wage Rates for the Domestic Workers


Government of Punjab fixes the minimum wage rate not only for the Labour force working in industries.  But it also decides to assist all those domestic workers who are working in the households.  The Governor of Punjab approves all the recommendations of the minimum wage board.  all the domestic workers employed in all households of the Punjab province will receive the following new wage rates;

  1. The new wage rate for 26-day working days per month is Rs. 32,000.
  2. For eight working hours per day, the latest rate is Rs. 1230.77.
  3. They will receive Rs.153.84 4 per hour according to the new wage rate.
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Monthly Deductions for Housing Accommodation and Transport for Domestic Workers


Just like commercial and industrial employees domestic workers will also use housing accommodation and transport facilities. The employers can deduct the following amounts for providing the said facilities:


  1. The employer can deduct Rs.397 for Accommodation for a month.
  2. The worker will pay Rs.85 per Month for the Transport facility.


All the employers will pay wages according to new rates. The worker includes all male and female workers. Due to equal value, female workers will get paid for the work equally as male workers.


Special Thanks


1- Mr. Waqas Ahmad

2- Mr. Muhammad Ashfaq

Recommendations of Minimum Wages Punjab 2023 for Unskilled Adult and Adolescent Workers


Monthly Daily Wage rates Punjab 2023


Minimum Wages Punjab 2023 for Unskilled Adult and Adolescent Workers


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