Notification of Revised Minimum Wage Rate (Monthly and Daily) Sindh 2023

Government of Sindh, Labour & Human Resources Department issued a Notification on 02-11-2023 in connection with the Minimum Wage Rate (Monthly and Daily) Sindh 2023.  These new revised rates are effective from 1st July 2023. The details are as under:


New Revised Minimum Wage Rate (Monthly and Daily) Sindh 2023


Labor and Human Resource Department declares the Minimum rates of wages at the rate of Rs. 32,000 per month. It is for unskilled, Adult and Juvenile workers. These workers are employed in all industrial and  Commercial establishments. In Insurance of the provision of Section 4(1) of the Sindh Minimum Wages is at 2015. The government of Sindh approves the minimum rates of wages in the exercise of the power conferred by subsection (1) of section 6 of the Sindh Minimum Wage Act 2015.


General Conditions


  1. The minimum rates of wages are applicable to all unskilled Adult and Juvenile workers. all these workers are working in industrial commercial establishments in the province. They could be registered or unregistered or located in the province. The minimum rates of wages are applicable uniformly throughout the province.
  2. The minimum rates of wages are applicable as per the Sindh Minimum Wage Act 2015.
  3. The new rate will come into force with effect from the first of July 2023.
  4. for the same category of the same category of work the female and male workers will deep same rate of wage.
  5. The Sindh Factories Act 2015, Payment and Wage Act,2105, and other relevant labor laws are helpful in this case to follow. They provide policy rules for the daily /weekly /working hours and conditions of overtime work and work on weekly days of rest and paid holidays. These rules are applicable to all unskilled/ adult and Juvenile workers of a given category.
  6. The minimum wages of the other categories of workers including skilled and semi-skilled employees. Their wages will be less than the minimum rate of wages now for the unskilled adult and junior workers in the same province.
  7. Employers in all industries either are registered or unregistered. They all will be bound to pay the adult unskilled and juvenile workers at the rate of not less than their notified minimum wage.
See also  Pay Fixation on Appointment and Promotion When Pay Difference Equal or Less than a Full Increment


More T&CS


More T&Cs for the said rates are as under for the inf of the worker:


  1. The “Wages” will remain Wages as defined in Section 2(XIX) Sindh Minimum Wages Act 2015.
  2. The employers will revise the rate of remuneration for peace-rated works workers, if necessary. So as to ensure that the workers in each piece rate occupation are enabled to earn not less than Rs.154/- per hour in any working hour.
  3. The minimum rates of wages are not regarded as maximum rates. And existing wages higher than the minimum wage are now fixed. It will not reduce.
  4. The employers of industries are free to pay higher wages. They can pay unilaterally.
  5. The minimum rate of wage is applicable to
    • Time rated
    • Whole Time Workers
    • Temporary Place Rated Workers
  6. Labour and Human Resource Department After approval of the government of Sindh declares these minimum rates of wages under section 6 of since Minimum Wage Act 2015.


Free Facilities for Workers Sindh


If an employer is providing any subsidy benefit or allowance. Then, all workers can enjoy these facilities like as under:


  1. Free accommodation
    1. House Rent
    2. Water
    3. Electricity
    4. Conveyance
    5. Free Medical Treatment
    6. Gratuity
    7. Pension
    8. Bonus
    9. Other kinds of Insurance
    10. Provident Fund
    11. Recreation
    12. Free Foods
    13. Subsidized Food
    14. Education
    15. Holidays
    16. Leaves With Pay
    17. Attendance Allowance
    18. Any Other Benefits.
  2. No variable or incentive allowance or value of welfare facilities as mentioned in the notification are adjusted against minimum rates of wages.


Special Thanks: A Azam




Notification of Revised Minimum Wage Rate (Monthly and Daily) Sindh 2023


See also  Notification of Special Allowance 2021 Punjab @ 25% of Basic Pay

Monthly and Daily New Wage Rates 2023 Sindh

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