Provision of Information Regarding Dual Nationality of the Government Servants

Government of Sindh, Health Department has issued letter on 02-03-2018 in connection with Provision of Information Regarding Dual Nationality of the Government Servants. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer to letter No.SOI(SGAD&CD)2/2/2012 dated 01.03.2018 received from Section Officer-1, SAD&CD Govt, of Sindh Karachi and the department`s earlier letters of even number dated 25.01.2018 & 26.02.2018 on the subject noted above.

It is therefore once again requested to furnish the requisite information of officers/ officials on as per format to this office and furnish following Certificate / Affidavit on stamp paper duly signed by Head of the Field Office today repeat today through special messenger, so that same may be forwarded to SGA&CD, for submission before the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan, failing which disciplinary action shall be initiated as per existing rules/ policy:



It is to certify that no officer / official working under administration control of undersigned possess the Dual Nationality except mentioned below:


 Sr. # Name / Designation with BS & present place of posting . Names of Occupational Group/Service/organization to which Govt. employee belongs Names of the country to which dual nationality obtained along with year Whether     NOC obtained from the Govt. if not.  the reasons thereof
    1 2 3 4 5


 In case, any other officer / official is found having Dual Nationality at any stage, I personally shall be held responsible.

Increase, any Civil Servant is found having Dual Nationality at later stage. The officer concerned who has given certificate shall be held responsible personally.

This may assigned Most URGENT / TOP PRIORITY.


Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the copy of the letter of Dual Nationality of the Government Servants.


Dual Nationality of the Government Servants


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