Revision of Rental Ceiling for Hiring Residential Accommodation for Officers Holding Management Grades

Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulation Wing) has issued Notification on 04-03-2019 in connection with Revision of Rental Ceiling for Hiring Residential Accommodation for Officers Holding Management Grades. Detail is as under:

The undersigned is directed to convey the concurrence of Finance Division to the following revised Rental Ceiling for hiring of residential accommodation for officers holding Management Grades:-

S.# Management Scale Existing Rental Ceiling Revised Rental Ceiling
1. M-I 33,760/- 45,576/-
2. M-II 28,210/- 38,084/-
3. M-III 23/560/- 31,806/-

 2.   The revised rates of rental ceiling will be effective from 01-07-2018.

Hiring Residential Accommodation
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