Notification of Opening Schools in Punjab Province Two Days A Week

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department has issued Notification on 18-05-2020 in connection with Opening Schools in Punjab Province. The Details of the same Notification are as under:



Opening Schools in Punjab Province Two Days A Week (Only Offices)


I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to state that, in order to resolve administrative, budgetary and ancillary matters, the competent authority has been pleased to allow the opening of the offices of District Education Authorities in Punjab for two Days (Monday &b Tuesday) in a week for the purpose of looking after important issues of offices and school administrative respectively by observing following SOPs:


Standard Operating Systems (SOPs)


  1. Headteacher, Ministerial Staff, (two person), Class-IV (two person) essentially required teachers (two persons).
  2. School opening timing shall be from 10:00 A.M to 02:0 P.M.
  3. Face Mask shall be mandatory for the people dealing with the parents/visitors.
  4. Strict compliance with social distancing shall not be used and gathering/crowding of peoples not be permitted. Circles with appropriate distance or similar appropriate men shall be used for this purpose, for social distancing.
  5. Teachers and staff may be called for pay purposes only with a class-wise schedule, one class per day.
  6. Soap and hand-sanitizers must be provided.
  7. No student shall be allowed to visit the school for any purpose.
  8. Washrooms and other areas shall be disinfected with a chlorine solution, daily.
  9. The above-mentioned instructions shall be followed strictly in letter and spirit.


Opening Schools in Punjab Province


See also  Notification of Upgradation Ministerial Posts Utility Store Corporation of Pakistan

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