Students May Wear Any Uniform sweater / blazer/coat/jacket/cap/socks/shows etc during Winter

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department issued a Notification on 11-01-2023 in connection with the instructions that Students May Wear Any Uniform sweater/blazer/coat/jacket/cap/socks/shows, etc during Winter.

Government and Private Schools Students May Wear Any Uniform sweater/blazer/coat/jacket/cap/socks/shows etc during Winter Season

Consequent upon Competent Authority, Government has issued special instructions for all public and private schools in the province of Punjab. SED Punjab has instructed to relax the students in their uniform policy. Schools should give relaxation to Students to wear any sweater/blazer/coat/jacket/cap/socks/shows etc in the months of January and February 2023. The purpose of these orders is to keep them protected and warm from cold weather.

Al public and private schools are directed to ensure compliance in letter and spirit.

It is a good step for the Government of Punjab. The weather conditions are severe in the province. Many parents are unable to purchase costly uniforms for their children. It is also necessary to save the children from the extreme cold weather. To save the children from the extreme cold weather, the Punjab Government School Education Department allowed the children to wear any available uniform and dress to keep them warm and safe from weather effects.


Students May Wear Any Uniform sweater / blazer/coat/jacket/cap/socks/shows etc during Winter



Other provincial Governments especially Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan Governments should also issue similar orders. In Balochistan and KPK, there is severe cold in most of the areas especially linked with the cold areas.  Punjab Government school education Department already issued orders for no holidays extension till 15th Jan 2023 and orders to resume the studies forthwith.

See also  Promotion Teaching and Non-Teaching Cadres Punjab 2024

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2 thoughts on “Students May Wear Any Uniform sweater / blazer/coat/jacket/cap/socks/shows etc during Winter

  1. Huge respect for Punjab government
    Thankyou, I know a lot of children around me that have no school jacket and socks to wear in cold winter and whenever they are not in proper uniform they are forced by the teachers to take them off
    May Allah bless Imran Khan and the new chairman of punjab

  2. Though late but still commendable. School administration have been brutally insensitive about this issue. At times school administration force students to take off other than uniform warm outfits. In this time of inflation and dearness affordability of uniform has become challenging for parents. Punjab education department at least thought and took a step.


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