Determination Seniority List PSTs Regularized Vide Notification Dated 07-04-2018

The District Education Officer (Male) Bannu issued a Notification on 14-11-2023 in connection with the Determination Seniority List PSTs Regularized Vide Notification Dated 07-04-2018. The details are as under:


DEO Male Bannu Determination Seniority List PSTs Regularized Vide Notification Dated 07-04-2028

DEO (Male) Bannu issues notification in the light of Service Tribunal KPK. The tribunal makes a decision about determining the regularization rules for PSTs. Those PSTs who were regularized through previous notification bearing Endst: No.2344-3253/AE-I. This notification was issued on 07-04-2018. The District Education Authority regularized them through this notification.

In the new notification, it is decided that their regularization is determined on the basis of clause -08 of the terms and conditions of regularization. As well as Sub-Section-02 of Section -04 of KPK Employees of the E&SE Department Act,2017. This Act has all rules and policies regarding the appointment and regularization of employees.

Abid Noor S/O Noor Nawaz Khan PST at GPS Lalozai Bannu and Others make an appeal regarding his seniority position.

According to the appeal the seniority no.of the appellant employee is wrong. The appellant requested the DEA  to make corrections and place their name in the seniority list to correct the seniority position.


Determination of Seniority of Incumbents


According to the Service Act,2017 as well as Service Act,2022 the seniority of the incumbents shall determine on the basis of their continuous Service in Cadre Provided that the date of continuous service in the case of two or more employees is the same. The employee older in age shall rank senior to the younger one.

See also  Grant of Honorarium/Incentive to the Employees of GENCOs, PESCO, TESCO, SEPCO and PITC



Determination Seniority List PSTs Regularized Vide Notification Dated 07-04-2028

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