Punjab Rozgar Scheme Easy Installment Loan Scheme 2023

Punjab Rozgar Scheme Easy Installment Loan Scheme 2023

I am sharing the details of the Punjab Rozgar Scheme Easy Installment Loan Scheme 2023. The Government of Punjab initiated another developmental step. Punjab Small Industries is also supporting this initiative. Young or small-scale entrepreneurs are warmly welcome to avail this opportunity. It supports businesses that are environment friendly or if they lack resources to run business smoothly.


Lower Markup Rate Punjab Rozgar Scheme Easy Installment Loan Scheme 2023


The markup rate is approximately 05% to 05% Annually. The rate is not very high. Liable individuals can pay easily in small installments. The number of installments depends upon the amount of the loan.

Punjab Green Development Loan


The government is providing loans of up to Rs.10 Billion. Interested candidates can apply for the following:


  1. Manufacturing
  2. Trading
  3. Services
  4. Livestock
  5. Agriculture


Department of Industries Trade and Investment is planning to groom the business of youngsters. The loans are available to pay in small installments. The individual can groom their business. Their business should be environment friendly. The loan obtainers may have the resources to run a business. They can use this loan scheme to assist them financially. They can also use it to groom their business already running. The terms and conditions are flexible for all small entrepreneurs.


Eligibility Criteria


Residents of Punjab with a minimum age of 20 years and a Maximum age of 50 years are eligible to apply.


Loan Maturity  Period


They can pay this amount within 02-05 years of maturity.

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Business Fields /Types


 The department is to provide loans for the following projects/businesses:


  1. Zigzag Technology in Bricks Chimneys
  2. Drip Irrigation in Agriculture Farming
  3. Solar System Tube-Wells, Petrol Pumps
  4. Nurseries (Forestry)
  5. Instructors in Hospitals and Poultry
  6. Bio Gas Farms


Loan Amount


Sr.No Amount of Loan Maturity Period Mark up Rate
1. 10-Lacs 2-5 Years 4% Annually
2. 10 Lacs up to 01-Crore 2-5 Years 05% Annually
Procedure to Apply


Interested candidates can apply online. The online applications are available on a website. The applicants can visit the Punjab Rozgar link.



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