Calculate Your Pension & Commute in Just 5 Seconds with Simple Software

It is very simple software designed in MS Excel Sheet, prepared by Mirza Asghar Baig. You can find out your pension and commute in just less than 5 seconds with the help of this software. You have to feed only your Basic Pay, Length of Service & Age and this formula will calculate your Pension along with allowances and commute. You can say that it is a very simple Pension Calculator.

There are four categories of employees according to age range in this formula sheet. The 1st one is for the employees of age ranging from 29 to 36 years. 2nd one is for the age group of 37 to 44, 3rd one is for 45 to 52 years employees and the last one is for the employees who are going to retired between the age ranges of 53 to 60 years.

The 1st Column is for the Employees name, 2nd one is for Basic Pay, 3rd column is for Length of Service and the 4th column is for age. In the second last column pension per month is shown and in the last column total commute is shown. Here is to mention that this calculator is effective wef 01-07-2012 as soon as there occur changes in pension, new version of the same calculator will be released.

Note: I have tried to calculate Pension by this calculator. Some times the result are not accurate. How ever gratuity is 100 % accurate.

Don’t Forget:  Calculate Pension & Commute Manually

See also  Promotion Primary School Teachers as Elementary School Teachers in Punjab


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89 thoughts on “Calculate Your Pension & Commute in Just 5 Seconds with Simple Software

  1. Aoa madam i had a question regarding commutation amount .jo commutation amount banti kya wo total amount jo banti wo apko milti hai ?

  2. if someone is taking 30000 thousand pension per month. And in the budget 10 per cent increases. Then, how much is going to be increased on 30000 thousand pension. please, reply.

  3. Madam i m junior clerk from fata education deprtment madam plz tell me about a rules books which one related with our job mean pension .leave etc

  4. Where is pension calculation excel sheet that is not available on website kindly provide the facility of download the excel formula sheet for the purpose of pension calculation,

    Thank you,
    Muhammad Ayaz

  5. Muhammad Amjad Perwaiz · Edit

    Date of Joining 6.6.1980
    Date of Birth 10.3.1961
    BPS 16 (50440)
    how much I collect as plz help if I retired pre mature service i.e. on 1.12.2017

  6. Dear Madam. Thanks for giving pension information to the old age pensioners.Kindly give me the information about Group Insurance benefits.My son- in-law died in a road accident on 23-01-2013 while going to duty in the capacity of Junior Clerk in Education Deptt. of KPK. His last basic pay was Rs.10900/- The Group insurance contriution was Rs.67 + 7 = 74/- monthly. My daughter widow of deceased employee of Junior clerk Education Deptt. Nowshera of KPK has been granted lum sup amount of Group Insurance as Rs.175000/- It seems to me incorrect, ecause clss IV employee has also get the same amount. Kindly help me so that the case referred to State Life Ins.through Education Deptt. Nowshera. Also give me the reference, where I can get the Table of benifits/contribution. Thank you again .Praying for your long life & good health.

  7. Respected Madam
    Please guide me about my father pension, as he make confused by clerks.
    Details are below
    DOJoining. 4.4.1979
    DOR 16.10.2016
    Basic pay 59800
    BPS 17
    i ll be thankful

  8. Date of birth 01 -02-1966 service start on 15-10-1985 bps number 14 date of retirement 31 -10-2016 please mare pension or commute bata dan farooq ali

  9. mahana pension ko gross pension kehtay hain ya gross pension ka 65% mahana milay ga aur 35% comuted please explain
    Basic pay 44870/-(include adv inc 01-12-2017)
    age 55 years
    DOB 01-01-1963
    retired on 31-08-2017
    Gross Pension 30960 (Basic payx30x70/3000)
    65% 20124/-
    Commuted 35% 10836/- (10836x12xage rate=1969698/-)
    Pl tell me that my monthly pension 30960 ya 20124

  10. سلام مادام کس تاریخ سے پنشن مناسب ھے مشورہ درکار ھے پیدائش 24:04:1963 پہلی تقرری 08:12:1988 سکیل16ایجوکیشن Bps 44040 عمر 53 ریٹائر تاریخ 01:07:2017 ماھوار پنشن اور یکمشت کتنا ملے گا شکریہ عبدالغفار

  11. Muhammad Abdul Qadir · Edit

    ate of birth 30.08.1954
    date of joining Service 30.6.1974
    my Basic pay scale is 16
    date of retirement 29.08.2014
    current basic pay 32,400/-
    Special pay 400/-
    Let me my pension and commutation. in the same, when I will be able to get double pension
    my length of service 40 years 2 month 28 days from the date of appointment i.e
    1.6.1974 ti 29.08.014,

  12. THANK U SO MUCH MADEM FOR QUICK RESPONSE: i am asking for ad hoc increase of 10% on basic pay scale. and i calculated my self according to your formula it came little different. my basic pay is 15400+specail pay1732+adhoc 10%which is 1540 =18672*30*70/3000 so the gross pension will be 13070 and comute according to the formula will be 4574 which is of 35% of the gross pension=4574*12*12.3719(age rate) it will become 679143 kindly give your opnion plz

    1. Dear Sajid, for pension calculation there will be not included 10% increase in basic pay. However it will be added in the pension. That is calculated automatically in the formula that I uploaded. In the basic pay only B.PAy, Special Pay and Usual Increment will be added.

  13. dob:1954 doj:1983 bps:07 basic pay 15400 special pay1732 retired from service on 18-07-2014 last drawn net salary 43280 Iwant to know about my comute monthly pension and also that ad hoc relief of 2014 @10 will be added for me

  14. date of birth 30.08.1954
    date of joining Service 30.6.1974
    date of retirement 29.08.2014
    current basic pay 33,200/-
    Special pay 400/-
    Let me one, when I will be able to get double pension

  15. date of appointment 12-12-1973. date of Birth 02-01-1955,Basic Pay in BS-19 Rs.63000/-PM.what will be accurate amount of monthly pension & commutation ? plz give details

  16. muhammad Abdul Qadir · Edit

    date of birth 30.08.1954
    date of joining Service 30.6.1974
    date of retirement 29.08.2014
    current basic pay 32,400/-
    Special pay 400/-

    1. Dear Qadir ur pension detail is as under:
      Commute 1222145.77
      Net Pension 29745.86
      There is not yet included 10% increase in pension of the year 2014.

  17. Sir i am in problem because the pension formula for employees of government is not calculate in M.S. Excel i wan to share pension formula in excel upload please.
    so i make pension for our Irrigation employees.

  18. Dear Sir
    Greetings from Hyderabad

    I am working for Labor , I am happy that I am taking information from this website , This is very informative for labor and local people

    Sir My question , please tell me those who retired or died be fore 2001 , can their legal heirs take double pension facilities ?

    or those who retired before 1990 can they take double pension facilities

  19. Aoa,

    felt amazing to find such an helpful post, i have recently applied for my Pension, my clerk calculated following things for the pension emoluments form.





    Basic Pay:


    Years of Service:

    28 Years, 10 Months and 21 Days.

    Basic Pension Calculated: around 26,732/-
    Ordinary Pension Calculated around 9,372/-
    Gratuity Calculated around 1,341,000/-

    I tested your Excel app, it is calculating Net amount almost equivalent to what has been calculated by my clerk, but Per Month calculated by Excel is around 41,000/- which is way much different than what has been calculated by my clerk.

    Upon asking my clerk said that in Papers we write as per gov rates and rest is done by AG Office. So do you confirm that actual Pension will differ from what has been estimated in Pension papers.?

    i would be very thankful.

    1. Thanks dear Rashhida, for liking this post, your clerk says right. In pension papers net pension alongwith increases during various years is not mentioned. These all net pension calculation is done by the AG Office. In pension papers only Commute and 65% pension is mentioned. Thanks

  20. Dear Madam,

    My question is very simple , i am devolping a software for Pension estimates of retired/retiring employee, for calculation of Date of Retirement from Date of Birth i add 60 years to the Date of Birth,
    example: Date of Birth : 27-06-1958 , Date of Retirement : 27-06-2018
    various sources from internet , that you will take 1 day minus of your date of birth. i-e 26-06-2018 .
    my question is whether 27-06-2018 is correect or 26-06-2018.?


  21. AoA

    At the time of my retirement my total service will be 18 years. I am grade 1 office doing job in BPS-17, I will get LPR or not at my retirement? please drop a line for me.

  22. AOA. Madam is pension calculator software mey kuch problem hey, net pension is not correct.meny Mirza Asghar Baig sy ess No. per call bhi ki thi on ko batany k ley 03017745843. magar ye No asgar ka nahi hey , kia aap ka koi rabat ho sakta hey Mirza Asghar Baig tu is problem ko correct karwa dey thanks

    Thanks Farooq

  23. Salam.mehrabani kar k mujy is sof ka password send karain. Ta k unprotect karon.kiyonke kpk govt naay 15% ka izafa kia hay.awr aap ny 10% ka hesab kia hy.wassalam

  24. My Baisic Pay is 21100 grade 15 Date of birth is 27.07.1969 iwant to retire from my service on 01.sep.2013 kindly calculate my all benifits including LPR my office clerk saying that Iam not able to get 12 month LPR as my service is 25 years .

        1. Dear Khalil, LPR means Leave Priorotary to Encashment. Is ka matlab hay agar aap kay aacount main 200 chutian hain to aap yeh chutian avail kar kay retire ho jain gay. Aour agar aap yeh chutian nahin letay to phir aap ko is ky payment milay gi jo keh Basic pay hoti hay.

  25. Respected Sir, please tell us how pension commutation will work out if a government employees dies during his service after serving for more than 30 years. Will his family be entitled to receive pension commutation and if yes then will it be half of what it would have originally been had he not died or will they get the full commutation. Please reply. Thanks

  26. AoA plz ap mujy bata suckty hain k mre pention etc kia ho ge dob is 07-10-1966 date of apa 17-07-1985 & date of retairdment 15-07-2012 12200 last baick pay they plz halp me plz mare id per send kar dain thank s

      1. are these allownces caculated on the base of gross pension or ordinary pension?your spoftware calculate on gross while account office on ordinary pension. please clarify with example and relevant notifications.


    ( 1 )
    Date of birth : 15-6-58
    Date of appointment : 11-1-1982
    Present Basic Pay : 27600 + (one pre-mature increment on my
    upgradation is awaited as per court
    judgement inshaallah)
    Then : 28400/- (if I get retirement now.?
    I also have Spl Pay : 320/-
    ( 2 )
    and if I retire on 15-6-2018 (without revision the salaries)
    i.e. the age limit 60 years. then my Basic Pay will be : 34000/-
    Please tell me about the both i.e. (1)& (2)stages. Almight Allah bless you with many more pleasures.

      1. Plz ap mhj ko pension aur commutation k bary mai bta dain.
        D.O.B:- 10/1101979
        Basic pay:- 20500
        Sir plz tell me.

  28. Thank you very much for giving this type of software. It will very helpful for all the employees especially for those who are going to be retired in near future.


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