Pay Protection of a Federal Govt Employee or Other Province if He Applies through Proper Channel at any post Under the Punjab Government

I shall share here the detail of Pay Protection of a Federal Govt Employee or Other Province if He Applies through Proper Channel at any post Under the Punjab Government. Many employees has asked this question as they had been appointed from Federal Government or other provincial Government departments to the Punjab Government departments through proper channel. I also shared the same question on Facebook and I got the replies from the employees that it is yes.

            The answer is ‘yes’ as the Punjab Government Finance Department has already issue the Notification to protect the pay of such employee. The contents of the Notification of Finance Department Punjab of the dated 27-08-1991 are reproduced as given below:

No. FD.SR-II-8-14/90, In exercise of the powers conferred on him, under section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 (VIII of 1974), the Governor of the Punjab has been pleased to direct that in the Civil Service Rules (Punjab) Vol.I, Part-I, the following amendment shall be made, namely: –


In Rule 4.4, after clause ‘b’ the following clause (c) shall be inserted:-

“(c)” The provisions of clauses (a) and (b) shall also apply to the civil servants of Federal Government and other provincial Governments mutatis mutandis who are appointed under the Punjab Government through proper channel”


Download Notification of Pay Protection of a Federal Govt Employee or Other Province if He Applies through Proper Channel at any post Under the Punjab Government



Pay Protection of a Federal Govt Employee

See also  Complete Summary Grant Special Honorarium Equal to Three Months Basic Pay for Federal Govt Employees

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