Minutes of the Meeting on Transition Cell Held on 03-10-2019 LG&CD

Government of the Punjab, Local Government & Community Development Department has issued Notification on 07-10-2019 in connection with Minutes of the Meeting on Transition Cell Held on 03-10-2019 LG&CD. Detail is as under:

10th Meeting of the Transition Cell reconstituted on 26.06.2019 was held on 03.10.2019 at 9:00 A.M. in the Committee Room of LG&CD Department, under the Chairmanship of Secretary, LG&CD Department. All the members of the Transition Cell participated in the meeting. All members of the Transition Cell attended the meeting.

  1. During meeting, the following points/decisions were made and discussed:
  2. The chair directed the Additional Secretary (Admn) to write a letter to the Secretary, Punjab Provincial Assembly and seek two names from the leader of the opposition for Punjab Local Government Commission.
  3. The chair directed the Director General Local Government to collect certificates from the Union Councils Secretaries that they have complete record of the UCs with the;

iii. The chair also highlighted the need to chalk out four members for local Government Commission. They could be retired Civil Servants, Retired Police Officers, a Local Government Expert or a Planning and Finance Expert as per the Act;

  1. Regarding the formation of Punjab Local Government Finance Commission the chair directed AS(Dev.) to move a note for Secretary to the Finance Department and keep a constant liaison with them.
  2. On maps the chair was informed that two Divisions; Lahore and Gujranwala shall be completed today. The chair directed all Focal Persons to examine maps and initial proposals of their respective Divisions with concerned officers of Districts on immediate basis.
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You can read further details at the copy of the Notification of Minutes of the Meeting on Transition Cell Held on 03-10-2019 LG&CD  submitted by Mr. Zahid Khan.


Meeting on Transition Cell

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