Mode of Payment Arrears Premature Increment on TSU

Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has issued Notification on 04-12-2019 in connection with Mode of Payment Arrears Premature Increment on Time Scale Upgradation for WAPDA Employees. Detail is as under:

General Manager Finance (Coord) Office Order No.FO(B&F)/10-126/Vol-50/979-1080, dated 27-09-2019, on the above subject.

Consequent Upon grant of one premature Increment vide Office Order Referred to above. The detail of mode of payment is as under:

  • In aces where arrears amounting upto Rs.30,000/- only is involved, the same may be paid in one go.
  • In cases where the employees have served in more than one Office/Wing they may claim arrears from the offices where they are presently working.
  • The employees serving and retired working in Self Financing Units may be paid the arrears from the respective self-financing Offices from their own Budget.
  • The retired employees may claim their arrears from the Office where they were serving last time and retired.

This issues with the approval of Members (Finance) WAPDA.  Special thanks to Mr. Zahid Khan for sending the Notification of Mode of Payment Arrears Premature Increment on Time Scale Upgradation.

It is added here that WAPDA has already allowed one premature increment of Time Scale Upgradation of the employees. WAPDA Issued this Notification of increment on 27-09-2019.


Mode of Payment Arrears Premature Increment



See also  Latest Notification of Office Timings and Staff Strength Sindh

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2 thoughts on “Mode of Payment Arrears Premature Increment on TSU

  1. Asalam o Alikum…..
    Dear I need clarification on admission of premature increment on selection from lower post in one department to higher post in other department through proper channel???
    I was working in strategic department in sps 4 (BPS11) having basic pay 31700 and selected in BPS 17 through proper channel…..
    Now my basic pay will be fixed at what stage?? Does premature increment admissible to me or not ?? I need your kind guidance please


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