Financial Assistance to the Family of an Employee Who Die During Service-TEVTA

Government of the Punjab, Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority has issued Notification No. TEVTA/Fin/F.Ass/2009/3845 dated 22-12-2014 in connection with Financial Assistance to the Family of an Employee Who Die during Service for TEVTA Employees. The detail of the Financial Assistance to the Family of TEVTA Employees who die while in service is as under:


Financial Assistance to the Family of TEVTA Employees who die while in Service

In continuation of this department’s letter even number dated 28th April 2009 and in pursuance of TEVTA Service Regulations, the sanction is hereby accorded to revise the rates of financial assistance to the families of the TEVTA employees who die while in service with effect from 1st July 2014. According to this notification the amount of assistance package has been doubled. The detail of the revised rates given below:


BPS Existing Rates of Financial Assistance (in rupees) Revised Rates of Financial Assistance (in rupees)
BPS-01 to BPS-04 200,000 400,000
BPS-05 to BPS-10 300,000 600,000
BPS-11 to BPS-15 400,000 800,000
BPS-16 to BPS-17 500,000 1,000,000
BPS-18 to BPS-19 800,000 1,600,000
BPS-20 & above 1,000,000 2,000,000


Financial Assistance TEVTA


It is to mention here that the Punjab Govt Finance Department has already issued the Notification of Financial Assistance to the Family of  Employees who die while in service with the same revised rates.

See also  Approval of Salaries Increase 20% Instead of 10% in Budget 2017-18

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7 thoughts on “Financial Assistance to the Family of an Employee Who Die During Service-TEVTA

  1. I shall be highly thankful if you could please down load Finance Division O.M.NO.1(4)r-I/2009, dated 31-12-2012 regarding Grant of Senior Scale to Drivers and Dispatch Riders.


  2. dear mam, ap ne judiciary k allowance ki advertisement wala page ko del kr dia hy ha, main dhond dhond k thak gya hn, plz reply, ap tang to nhi aa gai,


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