Notification of Permission Regular Basis Appointment BPS-01 to BPS-15

Government of the Sindh, Health Department has issued Notification No. E&A(HD)10-55/2017 dated 07-08-2017 in connection with Notification of Permission Regular Basis Appointment BPS-01 to BPS-15. Detail is as under:

I am directed to refer  to the subject noted above and to convey permission to recruitment of staff (BpS-01 to bPS-15) subject to meeting following pre requisite conditions:

  1. Posts must be advertised in three leading newspapers.
  2. Follow Selection Committee notified by SGA&Cd vide Notification No.SORl(SGA&CD 11-7/74(Pt-l) datedn24.09.2014.
  3. Ensure that all vacant posts (BPS-01 to BPS-15) should be regular, sanctioned, and budgeted. Duly having recruitments rules and verified by verified by District Accounts Officer concerned.
  4. Computer all coal formalities as per rule / policy.
  5. Deviation from rules / policy, the District Health Officer, concerned will be held responsible in person.


Special thanks to Mr. Muhammad Waliullah for sending the copy of the Notification of Permission Regular Basis Appointment BPS-01 to BPS-15.


Regular Basis Appointment


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