Salary Increase Chart Budget 2021-22 Sindh Employees

I have prepared the Salary Increase Chart Budget 2021-22 Sindh Employees. The Sindh Government increased the pay of the Sindh Government employees @ 20% on the running basic pay of the pay scales 2017.


Salary Increase Chart Budget 2021-22 Sindh

The calculation of the salary increase in Budget 2021-2022 for Sindh employees is simple. Just remove the last digit ‘0’ of their current running basic pay and double the result. However, I have prepared the chart in MS Excel Sheet for all the stages. The employees can just look at their current pay and the result is below that figure. In the picture form, the result may be blurred due to a big picture. So just download the MS Excel Sheet for a clear result of the pay increase.

In addition to a 20% increase as Adhoc Relief Allowance 2021, Sindh Govt has also granted a special allowance to the employees of BPS-01 to BPS-05. The rates of this special allowance are as under:


BPS Special Allowance
BPS-01 Rs. 1900/-
BPS-02 Rs. 1500/-
BPS-03 Rs. 900/-
BPS-04 Rs. 250/-
BPS-05 Rs. 250/-

Download Full Chart in MS Excel for Pay Increase Sindh Employees Budget 2021-22


Sindh Chart Sindh 2021-22

Minimum Maximum Pay Increase Sindh


The minimum and maximum pay increase for the Sindh Government employees in Budget 2021-2022 is as under:


Chart of Salary Increase Sindh Employees wef 01-07-2021 (20% Adhoc Relief Allowance)
BPS No. Initial Pay Last Stage Minimum Maximum
BPS-01 9130 17830 1826 3566
BPS-02 9310 19210 1862 3842
BPS-03 9610 21310 1922 4262
BPS-04 9900 23100 1980 4620
BPS-05 10260 25260 2052 5052
BPS-06 10620 27420 2124 5484
BPS-07 10990 29290 2198 5858
BPS-08 11380 31480 2276 6296
BPS-09 11770 33670 2354 6734
BPS-10 12160 36160 2432 7232
BPS-11 12570 38970 2514 7794
BPS-12 13320 42120 2664 8424
BPS-13 14260 45760 2852 9152
BPS-14 15180 50280 3036 10056
BPS-15 16120 56020 3224 11204
BPS-16 18910 64510 3782 12902
BPS-17 30370 76370 6074 15274
BPS-18 38350 95750 7670 19150
BPS-19 59210 120210 11842 24042
BPS-20 69090 132230 13818 26446
BPS-21 76720 146720 15344 29344
BPS-22 82380 164560 16476 32912
See also  Deduction of Two Days Salaries of FG Employees for PM Flood Relief Fund

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